Independent Reading Assessment
Jennifer Serravallo�s Independent Reading Assessment: Fiction and Nonfiction redefines reading for the Common Core era, providing a simple tool for helping students comprehend novels and informational texts. Its rich, job-embedded PD ensures teachers are well-versed on text complexity and how to teach students to read closely. |

Achievement Partners
Setting educators up for success on evaluations, in transforming instruction for the Common Core and Next Generation Assessments, and in preparing students for successful futures. |
Teacher Zone
The place for your most recent recruits to find the support they need. Our online mentor is on hand to answer their questions, while Scholastic's collection of ready-to-use teaching materials and resources will help them prepare the best lessons. |
Primary Sources
A report by Scholastic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation surveyed 20,000 public school teachers on teaching, the Common Core, evaluations and collaboration. Here�s what they had to say. |