MARCH 16, 2025

Independent Reading Assessment
Jennifer Serravallo�s Independent Reading Assessment: Fiction and Nonfiction redefines reading for the Common Core era, providing a simple tool for helping students comprehend novels and informational texts. Its rich, job-embedded PD ensures teachers are well-versed on text complexity and how to teach students to read closely.

Scholastic Achievement Partners

Scholastic Achievement Partners
Setting educators up for success on evaluations, in transforming instruction for the Common Core and Next Generation Assessments, and in preparing students for successful futures.
New Teacher Zone New Teacher Zone
The place for your most recent recruits to find the support they need. Our online mentor is on hand to answer their questions, while Scholastic's collection of ready-to-use teaching materials and resources will help them prepare the best lessons.
Primary Sources
A report by Scholastic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation surveyed 20,000 public school teachers on teaching, the Common Core, evaluations and collaboration. Here�s what they had to say.
COSN International Reading Association SIIA ISTE STEM Solutions TCEA