/cj's Journal
The Top 5 Things About my FRIENDS

5. We have a book club that's actually cool!
4. We all wear a size 7 shoe - we can swap!
3. We all like different music and can share new sounds.
2. We're all good at collages.
1. We never let fights get in the way of being friends forever!

I'm totally stressing out about going to New York. Will I have enough stuff? What should I bring for clothes? Will I be cool enough? Will my cousin Michelle get bored with me? But I'm also really excited!!!! I packed part of my suitcase today. Sunglasses... check. Shorts, jeans, t-shirts... check. A skirt for dressing up... check. Books to read... check. Map? Yep... I just don't want to not have everything I need once I get there. It's not like I know my way around! But it's exciting - I can't believe my parents are letting me go. :) I'll also miss my friends when I'm gone. Oh, but I can email them!

Can you imagine what life was like before computers? I was working on a scrapbook page earlier and I was printing things out so I could paste them down on the page. It must have been really hard to be creative and do art and things like we do today without them. I'm putting one together for everyone in the club. It has pictures and stories we wrote ourselves. I should get back to it now if I want to finish it before I go!


The Weekend