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Providing credible, accurate, reliable content on almost every core-curricula subject, Scholastic GO!® offers endless resources for research in a multitude of media. Explore nonfiction texts, world newspapers, videos and more with this easy-to-navigate digital resource designed to strengthen content knowledge, vocabulary, and core proficiency skills.

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WHAT General Reference
FOR Grade 2 - Adult
HOW Web-based, unlimited access, unlimited users
TERMS One-year subscription
PRICING Schools: Per Building
Public Libraries: Per Population Served

Administrators, teachers, and librarians are all feeling the pressure to make the leap to digital - and at the same time ensure students are developing the critical knowledge skills necessary for academic success. Integrating technology into a child's education is critical in preparing them for college, career, and beyond.

Scholastic GO! helps students:

  • Build strong content knowledge
  • Comprehend and evaluate increasingly complex texts
  • Strengthen digital reading stamina

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Each Scholastic Go! unit is structured to gradually introduce then build upon the topic to maximize comprehension capacity and support early research and self-directed learning skill development.

  • More than 115,000 expertly written articles, sortable by Lexile level
  • Access 1100 world newspapers in 73 languages
  • Build in-context vocabulary with five dictionaries and two thesauruses
  • More than 80,000 curated and editorially vetted websites
  • Topographical, historical, and current interactive maps

Start here ❱ Go Anywhere

Scholastic Go! subscribers have unlimited access to the following features:

Go Tube videos to build background
knowledge on a variety of topics

1,100 world newspapers offering multiple
perspectives in 73 languages

Curriculum correlations

Photographs and factboxes to further support research and content area knowledge

Topographical, historical and current
interactive maps

Five dictionaries and two thesauruses
to build vocabulary in context

Lesson plans and educator resources

Weekly rotating home screen image with photo caption

Scholastic GO!® Pricing

Scholastic Digital pricing varies by customer. *

Pricing for schools is based on number of
school buildings.

Pricing for public libraries is based on
the library population served.

* Discount pricing is available for multiple product purchases

For a detailed price quote,
contact us:

Phone: 800-387-1437

Fax: 877-242-5865


Scholastic GO! Overview
Go!® Tutorial
Catalogs & Brochures
Scholastic GO! Summary
Scholastic GO! Brochure
Additional Resources
Scholastic Digital Catalog

Scholastic GO!® News Room

For media inquiries please contact:
Brittany Sullivan via


Databases from other companies are not as strong in some of these areas. Britannica Online is publicized in educational journals and pushed by sales reps for its prominence in the world and high quality academic content. Yet Grolier Online contains just as many facts, written in a more concise style of sentence that today’s students can quickly read and comprehend. Students need to read, comprehend, and then collect information and cite their sources prior to synthesizing the facts into an assigned product. Compared to other choices, students return to Grolier more often because, “I can get all the information I need quickly and I understand what I am reading!” With GoTube, world newspapers for current events, and debate topics on timely issues – all available through the home page – Grolier Online is better than World Book or Britannica. World Book’s home page is cluttered with too many features, and the search bar is not prominent like it is on Grolier Online.
In many ways, the World Book databases are comparable to Grolier Online, however, Grolier is more appealing to students because they start by searching, not by browsing. No one can miss noticing the search bar on Grolier Online! This might be the very best feature! Britannica’s search bar is buried at the bottom of the home page, with the option to click to a certain level where the search bar is still small and down the page. Additionally, students get easily and quickly frustrated with Britannica’s search features – a two or three word phrase often yields “No Results.” Grolier Online is set up more like a familiar search engine where a student can enter a word, a topic, or a phrase and still receive multiple results from the search. Grolier Online is an excellent product with choices to fit various age levels as well as various curricular areas. Once students have been introduced to the myriad of features offered by Grolier Online, they can intuitively search for and find the exact content that they need to gather and synthesize information to meet their academic needs.

— Susan L. Ennis, Librarian and Media Specialist and Former English Teacher Seneca Valley Middle School, grades 7 and 8, 122 Seneca School Road, Harmony, PA 16037,

A close look at reference mainstay Grolier Online, newly updated
Ladies and gentlemen, encyclopedias have left the building. Slowly but surely, these print standbys are disappearing from shelves. And yet, they’re now more vital than ever. In a world of information overload, schools need a beacon of trustworthy knowledge.
Which brings us to Grolier. This tried-and-true stalwart of the student research game has gone through its share of makeovers—remember CD-ROMS? Now under the banner of Scholastic, Grolier has been recently updated. The look is fresh, but in a crowded e-encyclopedia field, how does it stack up.
To read the full review click here

— School Library Journal, January 2012

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