It's slimy. It's stretchy. It bounces, it'll reproduce nearly anything from a newspaper, and it's a ton-o-fun to squish into rubbery shapes. No, it won't make anything grow (sorry!) and you can't eat it--but you can make Slimy, Stretchy Stuff!
What you'll need:
- 1 tablespoon liquid starch
- 2 tablespoons white glue (such as Elmer's glue)
- Food coloring (optional for color)
- Artificial flavoring or extract (optional: for scented slimy stuff)
Here's what you do:
- Measure starch into a small bowl.
- Add glue. Let set for five minutes.
- If you like, blend in food coloring one drop at a time (a total of three should be about right) to make the Slimy Stretch Stuff gruesome grey, Monster Blood green, putrid yellow...be creepily creative!
- For scented Slimy Stretchy stuff, add a drop or two of artificial flavoring or extract and knead in. (THIS IS ONLY FOR SMELL-O-RIFIC FUN--SLIMY STRETCHY STUFF IS NOT EDIBLE.)
- Store in an airtight container. (If left out, Slimy stretchy Stuff turns into a hard, rubbery blob!)
- If left out Slimy Stretchy Stuff dries out, dip in warm water and knead.
Bounce it, stretch it, squeeze it...To pick up pictures from a newspaper, roll Slimy, Stretchy Stuff into a ball and lightly press onto paper, then pull up.
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