Printables for Every Patron and Library Program

Scholastic Teachables is an online database of high-quality educational materials for teachers, families, homeschoolers, and librarians. Explore thousands of resources created by expert teacher-authors to support skills practice, summer learning, homeschooling, and even your library's programs.

Printables for Every Patron and Library Program

Scholastic Teachables is an online database of high-quality educational materials for teachers, families, homeschoolers, and librarians. Explore thousands of resources created by expert teacher-authors to support skills practice, summer learning, homeschooling, and even your library's programs.

Printables for Every Patron and Library Program

Scholastic Teachables is an online database of high-quality educational materials for teachers, families, homeschoolers, and librarians. Explore thousands of resources created by expert teacher-authors to support skills practice, summer learning, homeschooling, and even your library's programs.

Printables for Every Patron and Library Program

Scholastic Teachables is an online database of high-quality educational materials for teachers, families, homeschoolers, and librarians. Explore thousands of resources created by expert teacher-authors to support skills practice, summer learning, homeschooling, and even your library's programs.

Printables for Every Patron and Library Program

Scholastic Teachables is an online database of high-quality educational materials for teachers, families, homeschoolers, and librarians. Explore thousands of resources created by expert teacher-authors to support skills practice, summer learning, homeschooling, and even your library's programs.

Printables for Every Patron and Library Program

Scholastic Teachables is an online database of high-quality educational materials for teachers, families, homeschoolers, and librarians. Explore thousands of resources created by expert teacher-authors to support skills practice, summer learning, homeschooling, and even your library's programs.

Vetted by Teachers. Trusted by Patrons.

Educators rely on printable resources to supplement and enhance children’s learning. But free online resources don't always align with best practices. Scholastic Teachables is vetted by teacher-authors, curated by Scholastic, and built on the Science of Reading, so users can be confident that what they're using works.

See How It Works

For the librarians who want to enrich their communities and the families who wish to 
nurture their children, Scholastic Teachables provides unlimited access to thousands
of high-quality, printable, and projectable learning resources.

Get the Right Resources at the Right Time

When your patrons need a last-minute homeschool lesson or quick math practice for their child, just point them to Scholastic Teachables. With a quick search, in the library or at home, they can find what they need, when they need it.


Browse by topic, keyword, standard, or skill


Vetted by teacher-authors to support best practices


Science of Reading resources from decodable texts to phonics skills sheets


For every curriculum subject and every grade, PreK–6

Explore the Program

We believe that Scholastic Teachables is a must-have for today's time-strapped families and
 educators. And we're ready to prove it! See some of our favorite resources below.

High-Quality Printables

Search our enormous Scholastic Teachables database by keyword, phrase, or standard.

Differentiation Collections

Every learner is different. That's why we offer curated sets of skills sheets and activities at three levels.

Engaging Mini-Books

Build an instant home library with printable mini-books on everything from reading to writing and math to science. Just start printing!

Family Hub

Engage families in learning with streamlined access to age-appropriate materials. All the resources for their child's level are just one click away!

Ready to Bring Scholastic Teachables to Your Library?