How to Make Quick and Easy Book Covers

Reuse grocery bags and extend the life of your books this year!

By Amy Mascott
Aug 15, 2016



Six years old.Elementary School Lightbox

Aug 15, 2016

A new school year is almost upon us, and that means our kids will soon have a ton of brand spanking new supplies to use and new books to cover. One event that was a staple in our household when I was growing up was an evening of covering books. Believe it.

My dad was the Book Cover Master. He could whip up the best, tightest, strongest book covers in no time flat.  All he used was a brown paper bag from the grocery store, some tape, and scissors.

Here’s how my dad made his no-fail book covers for us which kept our books’ covers safe and strong through the long school year. Now you and your kids can make these inexpensive covers and bling the blank covers up a bit with some stickers and flare.

First, here’s what you need:

  • Brown paper bag (we use the ones from grocery stores)
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Stickers

Here’s how to make them:

  1. Cut a brown paper bag along the folds so that the bag is completely flat.
  2. Size the bag. The easiest way to do this is to open the book and place it on the bag so that the cover is facing you. Cut the paper so you have about 2" around the book.
  3. Fold the 2" of paper on the top and bottom of the book down so that when the book is open, the paper bag is only seen on the sides.
  4. Fold 2" of the paper on the sides down and over the front and back cover, and then close the book. It may be tight and hard to close properly.
    If this is the case, loosen the fold a bit so that it is easier to open and close.
  5. Place the front and back cover inside the fold of the bag and tape the sides so that the cover can easily open and close but the cover will not slide off.
  6. Decorate your book cover with stickers, stamps, or markers!

These are easy and inexpensive ways to extend the life of your books, and the best thing is that you’re reusing those grocery bags!

How does your family cover books? Do you still cover books?  Share your thoughts with us on the Scholastic Parents Facebook page, or find Amy on Twitter @teachmama and let’s continue the conversation!


Check out bloggers Amy Mascott and Allie McDonald's book, Raising a Rock-Star Reader: 75 Quick Tips for Helping Your Child Develop a Lifelong Love for Reading. Get expert advice and learn new strategies for your young readers.




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