Go Fly a Kite!

This cooperative project takes advantage of springtime breezes.



Go Fly a Kite!

What you need:

  • large paper bag
  • string or yarn
  • hole punch
  • paper hole reinforcements
  • markers or crayons
  • tissue paper, crepe paper, and gift-wrap scraps
  • glue sticks
  • child-safe scissors

What to do:

  1. Cover a table or work area with newspaper. Set out markers or crayons, lightweight collage materials, and glue sticks. Provide each of your family members with a large paper bag, which will become a kite. Invite all to decorate their paper bag kites.
  2. Have your child choose several long strips of tissue paper or crepe paper and glue them to the sides and bottom of the bag. When the kites are completed, ask her to describe how she decorated her kite. Then ask her to think about what else is needed to make the kite fly.
  3. Invite your child to help you make a hole in the four corners of each bag using the hole punch. He can also assist by placing reinforcement stickers on both sides of every hole.
  4. Cut yarn or string for your kites. Provide your child with a piece of yarn or string that is approximately 24 inches long. Help him measure and cut four pieces of string for each bag. (Ask him to predict how many pieces of string he will need to cut.)
  5. Attach the string into each of the holes of the bag. Gather the ends and tie them together into a knot. Now it's time to go to the yard or park and fly the kites, or if it's a rainy day and you have the room, use the kites inside!

Learning benefits:

  • teaches creativity and problem solving
  • provides practice with measuring and making predictions 
  • promotes small- and large-motor coordination
Problem Solving
Craft Activities
Arts & Crafts Printables
Motor Skills
Age 5
Age 4
Age 3
Outdoor Activities and Recreation
Arts and Crafts