How Physical Skills Develop, Age by Age

When will your child learn to run, jump, or throw a ball? Check this reference guide.




While all children are different, and develop physical skills, from walking up stairs to jumping rope to catching a ball, at different speeds. Most, however, will acquire motor skills along the age-by-age timeline listed below. 

2 to 3 years old:

  • walk up and down stairs; jump off one step 
  • kick a ball 
  • stand and walk on tiptoe 
  • run; dodge

3 to 4 years old:

  • walk backward and forward unselfconsciously; turn and stop well 
  • jump off low steps or objects, but find it hard to jump over objects 
  • begin to ride trikes and pump on swings
  • stand on one foot unsteadily; balance with difficulty on low four-inch balance beam while watching their feet
  • play actively, but tire suddenly

4 to 5 years old:

  • skip unevenly; run well 
  • stand on one foot for five seconds or more; master the low balance beam
  • alternate feet when walking down stairs; judge well when placing feet on climbing structures
  • jump on a small trampoline 
  • show awareness of things in environment (such as cars on the street), but still need supervision and help protecting self
  • have increased endurance in play

5 to 6 years old:

  • walk backward quickly; skip and run with agility and speed
  • incorporate motor skills into games
  • walk a two-inch balance beam easily; jump over objects
  • hop well; jump down several steps; jump rope
  • climb well; coordinate movements for swimming or bike riding
  • show uneven perceptual judgment
  • have high energy levels in play and rarely show signs of fatigue; find inactivity difficult and seek active games and environments

7 years old and up:

  • have increased coordination for catching and throwing
  • be able to participate in active games with rules
  • sequence motor activities, as with gymnastics or shooting baskets
  • have improved reaction time in responding to thrown balls or oncoming vehicles
Books | Individual Titles | Paperback Book
Scholastic Reader Level 1: Clifford Makes the Team
It only takes a little to BE BIG!

Clifford wants to play baseball with the kids, so he tries to find a bat his size: a tree, a utility pole, a pipe . . . nothing works, but in the end, the kids find a way to include Clifford in their fun!

The BE BIG campaign invites everyone, big and small, to take action and raise awareness for how CLIFFORD'S BIG IDEAS can make the world a better place.
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Pre-K - 1
Gross Motor Skills
Stages & Milestones
Age 9
Age 8
Age 7
Age 6
Age 5
Age 4
Age 3
Age 2
Child Development and Behavior
Physical Development