How Do Dinosaurs? By Jane Yolen, Illustrated by Mark Teague
Picture Books
  How Do Dinosaurs Go To School?
How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? What would you do if a very large Ceratosaurus stomped into your classroom? And what if the student sitting next to you was a gigantic Silvisaurus-who decided to jump on top of your desk? Come along and join the fun as dinosaurs ride the bus, read their favorite books, and have fun on the playground with all their friends. Going to school has never been so much fun!
  How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? Do dinosaurs play with their food? Does a dinosaur belch and burp at the table? Just like kids, dinosaurs aren't born with terrific table manners. Dino Dad and Mom help their young dinosaurs learn not to throw cups or make rude noises, and soon everyone is eating with smiles and goodwill.
  How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?
How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? What if a dinosaur catches the flu? Does he whimper and whine between each "At-choo"? Does he drop dirty tissues all over the floor? Does he fling his medicine out of the door? Just like kids, little dinosaurs hate being sick. And going to the doctor can be pretty scary. How DO dinosaurs get well soon? They drink lots of juice, and they get lots of rest; they're good at the doctor's, 'cause doctors know best. From enormous sneezes to gigantic wails, the outrageous antics of the mischievous young dinosaurs in this book are sure to bring laughter to anyone who has ever said "Atchoo!"
  How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? In each playful spread of this read-aloud bedtime book, parents are ready to put their kids to bed — but these youngsters just happen to be dinosaurs! And though they may stomp and slam their tails a bit, in the end they act a lot like people: they give a big kiss, turn out the light, and whisper "good night."
  How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?
How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? America's favorite dinosaurs are giving families a funny book, perfect for bedtime, storytime, anytime. Even when little dinosaurs are naughty, it's important to remind them that no matter what they do, they are always loved. In this book, readers will laugh aloud as parents cope with the typical antics of childhood, but in the end, hugs and kisses show your little one how much you care.
Board Books
  How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends?
How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends? What if a dinosaur's friends come to play? Does he mope, does he pout if he can't get his way? Does he hide all his dump trucks, refusing to share? Does he throw his friends' coloring books up in the air? Time and time again, children are told to "play nice." This brilliantly illustrated board book is packed with rhymes that will teach children how.
  How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors?
How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors? Come along and join the dinosaur fun as ten dinosaurs show children all the colors of the rainbow. Discover different hues as the dazzling dinos paint and play with several shades. Perfect encouragement for creative kids who love to mismatch pink polka dots and aqua argyle.
  How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms?
How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms? No interest in picking up crayons? These frolicsome dinosaurs have a tip or two.
  How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten?
How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? Even children in their tyrannosaurus-twos will love counting along with these whimsical dinos. Memorable rhymes will make counting to ten an activity to repeat over and over again!

Featured DINO-mite fun!
Dino Antics
Find out How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night
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