Have Fun with Your Food:

FREE picky-eating themed Scholastic
book* with your purchase of
Tyson® Chicken Nuggets
- 1...Purchase any Tyson® Chicken Nuggets
- 2...Mail UPC along with a 3x5 card with
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Picky Eating Free Book Offer,
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New York, NY 10012

Gregory isn't like most goats. Instead of indulging in old shoes, boxes, and bottle caps,
he prefers fruits, veggies, eggs, and fish. Disgusted, Mother Goat and Father Goat take him
to see Dr. Ram, and when Gregory finally develops a taste for flat tires and broken violins,
he's not just eating like a goat, he's eating like a pig!

Mya's mom is a colorful character with neon bright ideas. She gets it in her head that Mya must try a different colored food every day of the week. Mya agrees to give the new foods a try (even if it's just a tiny nibble) as long as her favorite - chicken nuggets - are part of the deal.
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