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Have Respect Episodes & Activities:

These episodes and activities use our favorite characters to role-play situations where our differences are really our best strengths. One of life's most valuable lessons for a child is learning that respect means giving another person credit for being genuine and unique.



SYNOPSIS: Clifford struggles to stay clean to please Emily, but Clifford learns that he is important to Emily no matter how he looks.

APPLICATION: This episode teaches children that we should value good deeds much more than appearances. It also emphasizes the benefits of being willing to serve others unselfishly.

What does respect mean? It means that you appreciate other people's ideas or differences. Showing respect is a nice way to show someone else consideration. Emily Elizabeth showed Clifford respect for his good deed even when he ruined his clean appearance.
ACTIVITY: Mirror Talk!
OBJECTIVE: This activity promotes self-awareness helping children see that there are many similarities and differences between themselves and others. The goal is to help them find what they like most about themselves and others by sharing their thoughts and feelings. Learning respect comes from appreciating basic differences.
  Materials: Large full-length mirror or small hand held mirror, piece of paper
  What to do:  
  Look into the mirror and tell about you what you see. (Caregiver, this can include clothes, accessories, body parts and characteristics. Encourage details like colors, descriptive use of words describing shape and texture like small, large, round, soft, smooth, freckled, etc.)

Tell about how you appear the same or different than someone else you see.

  Discuss how you feel about other people that appear different from you.

Name someone you really like that is different looking from you and tell why you like him or her so well. (Caregiver, emphasize the idea that what's inside is much more important than appearance.)


Finally, draw a picture of the special person you respect. Surprise them with your picture and see what happens!

  More dog-gone fun things to do!:
  Find a friend to share the story about Clifford getting all dirty trying to help guide the ferry through the fog! Ask if they know what "respect" means.

Organize a neighborhood pet show or have a pet car wash in your yard!

*This episode also supports Clifford's Big idea: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF
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SYNOPSIS: Clifford's talent for digging seems to be disruptive to everyone in town. But when a big storm comes in, his deficit becomes an asset. Clifford learns that there is an appropriate time and place for talents to be expressed.

APPLICATION: This episode teaches children that we all have talents that can be helpful at one time or another. Our appreciation of those talents sometimes comes at our time of need, just like when Clifford's digging finally paid off and helped save the library from a crashing wave.

Do you have a talent? Most certainly! Having talent means that you have a special ability or gift to do something well. It might be coloring, singing, or remembering everything about a story you see or hear. Everyone has at least one great talent. Can you name the many talents you have?
ACTIVITY: Fill Your Talent Plate!
OBJECTIVE: This activity gives children the opportunity to discover that there are many talents that people possess all around them. This activity improves Language and fine motor skills.
  Materials: Magazines, newspapers, photographs, scissors, glue, paper plate
  What to do: Look at all the pictures that show people doing things that they are good at. Cut them out and glue them all on your paper "talent plate". Show someone else your "talent plate" and help them make one! Hey, this might be another special talent of yours! (Caregiver: Discuss the meaning of "talent" and emphasize that everyone has special talents! Communicating about personal talents of people the child knows will help child connect the meaning of "talent" with his own experiences.)
  More dog-gone fun things to do!:
  Watch your pet and see if you can recognize his special talent. Remember Clifford's special talent was digging?!
  The word "talent" begins with a "T". See if you can find other words or objects around you that also begin with this letter.
  Have you very own talent contest and entertain the family, neighbors or pets!
  Invite everyone to enter your coloring contest. Of course, everyone is a winner! Give applause to everyone for a job well done!


SYNOPSIS: Clifford and Emily are excited - Cousin Laura and her dog Rex are coming to visit! They haven't seen them since Rex and Clifford were little puppies together! When they arrive, however, Emily and Clifford find Laura and Rex are different than they remember them/ Clifford and Emily learn that people change and adjustments have to be made in a relationship.

APPLICATION: This episode teaches children that sometimes friends and family change and become different as time goes by. Through the experiences of Emily and Clifford, children can see that change can be good and we can all adjust to other's differences if we choose to.

Does everything change? Most everything does change, especially people. Change means that something becomes different than it used to be. Clifford changed from a little, cute, red puppy into a big, huge, loveable red dog. Have you changed since you were a little, cute baby? You are probably bigger everywhere! And what can you do now that you couldn't do when you were first born? Isn't change amazing!
ACTIVITY: My Very Own Scrapbook
OBJECTIVE: This activity shows children how we all change as we grow older. Children see this visually as they compare the differences between past and present pictures of themselves, family, friends, pets and places. This is an activity that be started now and be enjoyed for many years to come.
  Materials: Scrapbook or pages that can be laminated or protected, photos
  What to do: Let's see the change in you, your family, friends, pets and the places you know so well. "Smile, say cheese!" and begin collecting your photographs for your very own scrapbook. It won't be long before you see the changes in yourself and everything else once you start comparing the pictures. Maybe you can take the pictures too, and begin your career as a photographer (that's someone that takes pictures!).
  More dog-gone fun things to do!:
  Ask your family for pictures of themselves and let them tell you about how they have changed in their own pictures. Interesting! There could be some really good stories for you to hear!

Find someone in your family to measure how tall you are and mark it on door facing. Just make a pencil mark, put the date and sign your name. Every few months do this again and watch the change! Show a friend how to do the same thing. Maybe your friend could mark his/her height beside yours and you could both watch each other grow! What fun!



SYNOPSIS: There's a new dog in town and he only has three legs. The dogs learn to accept someone who is different.

APPLICATION: This episode teaches children that just because someone appears to be different, that doesn't mean that they don't like being included in the fun along with everyone else. Learning to feel comfortable around people that appear different also helps others to do the same and can help make uncomfortable situations fun and memorable!

Is acceptance important? Most definitely! Showing acceptance means that you have an attitude of understanding and appreciation for someone that is different than you. You have respect for them although they are not just like you. Acceptance of others can make our world a better place. Now, that really is important!
ACTIVITY: My Fingerprints!
OBJECTIVE: This activity helps children see that we are all unique and special by comparing fingerprints with others.
Materials: Stamp pad, card or paper, marker, magnifying glass
  What to do: Trace your entire hand on your card or paper. Using the stamp pad, press each finger firmly and place the correct print on the matching finger outline. Take the magnifying glass and explore the world of fingerprints! Compare your prints with someone else's. Now you can see just how individual and special everyone really is!
  More dog-gone fun things to do!:
  Draw pictures of your entire family or friends. Write their names under each picture and discuss what makes you all different.

Discuss how you might differ from someone in a wheelchair or visa versa. Are you really all that different? How are you the same?

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