What inspired you to write the I Survived series?
I’ve been writing nonfiction and historical fiction for Storyworks, a classroom magazine I edit that’s read by 400,000 kids in upper elementary school. Stories about disasters, war, and other dramatic events have always the most popular among Storyworks readers. When kids reached out to me, I noticed something striking: it wasn’t the lava or the earthquake or the bombs that fascinated them most. It was the kid in the story: the boy who helped his father escape a huge storm during the Dust Bowl; the girl who watched over her little sister during the Hurricane of 1938. The kids didn’t just want to know what happened, they wanted to know what it was like to be in the midst of it. That’s how I Survived, a series about historical events, seen through the eyes of a child experiencing them, came to be.
Can you give us a sense of your research process?
The I Survived books are only about a hundred pages long, but each requires a huge amount of research. Typically, I’ll read at least twenty nonfiction books on each topic, any important novels set during that period, plus narratives, oral histories, and articles in historical journals.
When I’m researching an historical topic, like the Titanic or the shark attacks of 1916 or Gettysburg, I try to submerge myself in details of the time. I want to know more than just the timeline of the event. I want to know the mindsets of the people living in the period: what they were reading, what worried them, what was in the news. It’s these little details that make the stories seem real.
How do you overcome the challenge of writing books for a younger audience centered on frightening topics like war, natural disaster, and terrorism?
Each book is realistic in terms of the fear the characters feel, the insecurities they face, and their feelings of loss and uncertainty. At the same time, I try to convey a sense of each character’s resilience and hopefulness.
In books that deal with really complex and sensitive events, like Pearl Harbor or 9/11, I try to encapsulate the story so that only issues my readers can comprehend are addressed. For example, in my book about 9/11, there are no details about the hijackers, religion, or what happened to the people in the Twin Towers.
I also try to give a sense of closure, whenever possible. In the “Afterwards” of my 9/11 book, I informed readers that the main planner of the attacks, Osama Bin Laden, was killed by members of U.S. Special Forces. In other words, the main villain was vanquished. On the other hand, I try not to paint on a falsely happy ending. I was clear at the end of my book about Hurricane Katrina that better planning by government officials could have prevented much of the destruction and suffering.
What are some of your favorite responses to the series?
I receive dozens of emails a week about the series, many from adults telling me how the books have opened doors for kids who never liked to read before. As a child who was a struggling reader, this is incredibly gratifying for me. I was also surprised to learn that the series appeals to a wide age range, from kids as young as seven years old up through middle schoolers, where struggling readers gravitate towards the topics and can still relate to the characters and themes.