Introduce young students to Latino art and culture through the work of Carmen Lomas Garza, a Mexican American artist. Help students understand how a painting can tell a story of a person from a particular culture group.
Lead a class discussion of masks and how they relate to the Carnival tradition of Puerto Rico. Show students images of Carnival masks, then ask them to describe what they see and how the masks make them feel.
Introduce young students to Latino art and culture through the work of Carmen Lomas Garza, a Mexican American artist. Invite the class to share opinions about Lomas Garza's painting, Beds for Dreams, and discuss the story told by the painting.
Lead a class discussion of masks and how they relate to the Carnival tradition of Puerto Rico. Ask students to describe presented masks and the feelings they provoke, then discuss how masks reflect cultural traditions.
Ask students to compare and contrast the artwork of Carmen Lomas Garza and Jesse Treviño. Encourage students to interpret the paintings to reveal the stories they tell about the Latino experience, then draw conclusions about the artists’ statements.
Explore with students the Carnival traditions of Puerto Rico and compare them to other Carnival traditions in the United States and Latin America. Students will examine costumes and masks and draw conclusions about what they represent.
Ask students to compare and contrast the artwork of Carmen Lomas Garza and Jesse Treviño. Discuss how these paintings reflect the emotions and attitudes of Latino culture, then encourage discussions about cultural expressions in general.
Explore with students the Carnival traditions of Puerto Rico and compare them to other Carnival traditions in the U.S., Latin America and Europe. Students will examine costumes and masks, and discuss how celebrations reflect differences across cultures.