Jo Jo
Jo Jo Wigman is like any girl you’d meet at school, except for one thing: there is a super-powered dilly of a hero living under her bedroom floor. Wherever there’s trouble, the fearless Jo Jo and the Magic Pickle are sure to be on it.
Razin’ is a pulsing, wrinkly, dried up purple grape with two strong-looking arms and glowing eyes. He is a food fighter for the Brotherhood of Evil Produce and plans to turn every human being in the world into a roly-poly grape.
Jarek is a kind of shy, smart and quiet boy from school who suddenly turns sour. Then he brings in a weird invention to school which ultimately spawns the evil villain, Razin’.
Lu Lu
Lu Lu Deederly is taller than both Jo Jo and Ellen. She has curly hair and freckles, and almost always has a sneer on her face. She loves getting on Jo Jo and Ellen’s last nerves.
Magic Pickle
This top–secret, relish-flinging, fast-flying hero—code name: Weapon Kosher--is in search of a top-secret vegetable experiment gone bad: The Brotherhood of Evil Produce. His witty sidekick, Jo Jo named him the Magic Pickle because that rolls off the tongue easier. This high-flying, power-packing pickle is a smooth talker with a big vocabulary, too.
Ellen Cranston lives down the block from Jo Jo and has been Jo Jo’s best friend since kindergarten, from the time when she taught Jo Jo how to hide inside the little tunnel near the sandbox when the recess bell rang.
Egg Poacher
Egg Poacher is a scrambled, fried, hardboiled villain with an evil grin on his yolky face. The Magic Pickle mistakenly brought this gooey cracked shell to life during a fight in a grocery store where a stray extension cord slithered into the diary section, energy surged into the refrigerator unit and the Egg Poacher was created.
Illustrations copyright 2008 by Scott Morse. Magic Pickle is a registered trademark of Scott Morse.
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