August 22nd, 2018

How to get started with Scholastic Book Clubs & the best ways to use the program

Students are heading back to school, and this means parents and teachers will soon see the Scholastic Book Clubs flyer!


To help educators and families learn how to best use the Scholastic Book Club program, the Book Clubs team created short tutorial videos. These videos include tips on:



ICYMI: Scholastic Book Clubs has been featured the Back to School 2018 issue of Scholastic Teacher! The piece, titled 10 Great Ways to Use Scholastic Book Clubs, gives teachers some top tips (along with some ideas from teachers on ways to apply those tips) on how to use the program to stock classroom libraries and match students with just-right books.


Here’s a summary of a few of the top 10 pointers:


1. Jazz Up Those Letters Home


A cover letter with some key bulleted points stands out and can help get parents on board with Book Clubs; there’s even a template, in multiple languages, available online. Consider briefly talking to parents during Back to School Night about how Book Clubs can help their kids—and the classroom.


2. Hunt for Deals and Vie for Prizes


Subscribers to the Book Clubs blog (Judy Newman at Scholastic) get an early peek at “Dollar Deal” books, available for a buck apiece. Teachers say that the $1 books—and the abundance of titles under $5—help give every student the chance to buy an affordable book.


3. Go Digital for Your Sake, and for Parents!


Don’t want to handle cash or hassle with checks? Have parents use your classroom code to order directly from the Book Clubs website. You can even leave an online note for parents, or add books to a classroom wish list.


For more great ways to use Scholastic Book Clubs, read the full Scholastic Teacher article here!