Outdoor Exercise Idea: Family Hikes

Hiking is a great way to burn off energy on the weekends. Try these simple games while you walk to keep their brains busy, too.

By Jeff Alt



Outdoor Exercise Idea: Family Hikes

Ages 3 to 5 | Play I Spy. Make up simple rhymes and songs as you walk, and examine things (leaves, flowers, rocks) up close with a magnifying glass.

Ages 6 to 7 | Use your senses. Have your child close her eyes until she hears three different sounds. Then ask her to describe them and guess where they came from. What patterns and shapes can she find? What does a rock or the bark of a tree feel like — smooth or rough.

Ages 8 to 10 | Talk outdoor manners. Teach your kids to take nothing from the woods but memories and pictures, to leave no trash, and to observe, not disturb, the wildlife. Challenge them to come up with other ways to show respect for the earth as you hike.

Ages 11 to 13 | Take along a field guide. Have your kids use it to identify the types of birds, plants, bugs, and other wildlife you see on your hike. Show your child the basics of reading a trail map, including direction orientation. Let them help you navigate.

Social Skills
Gross Motor Skills
Spatial Reasoning
Raising Kids
Age 13
Age 10
Age 12
Age 11
Age 9
Age 8
Age 7
Age 6
Age 5
Age 4
Age 3