Pretty Planters

This versatile vegetable project is a treat for the eyes and the mouth.

By Megan Pflug



What you need:

  • Milk cartons (or jars)
  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Stickers and markers
  • Yarn
  • Potting soil
  • Seeds

What to do:

  1. Have your child glue construction paper over the milk cartons and decorate with pictures of the plant being grown.
  2. Invite her to scoop soil into the container, and help her plant the seeds. (We love carrots, peas, and alfalfa sprouts.)
  3. To hang, punch holes in the container and string with yarn.
  4. If using a jar, loop yarn underneath the jar and secure it with colored tape around the jar's neck.
  5. Hang the planters in a sunny area, water them each day, and observe the growing process.
Science & Nature Activities
Age 5
Age 4
Age 3
Early Science
Arts and Crafts