Printable Mini Books from Scholastic Mini-Books
Scholastic Mini-Books has over 200 Printable Mini Books that span over 17 subjects. Sign up today and get instant online access to printable mini books from Scholastic.
Scholastic Printable Mini-Books Cover:
- Arts and Creativity
- Character and Values
- Early Learning
- Foreign Languages and ESL
- Health and Safety
- Hobbies and Recreation
- Holidays and Seasonal Themes
- Language Arts
- Life Experience and Relationships
- Math
- Parenting and Child Development
- Reading
- Science
- Social Studies
- Sports
- Technology
Sample Printable Mini-Books
Over 2,000 Scholastic Printable Mini-Books cover many subjects and themes. Here's a sample of FREE printable mini books for you to try in your class.
Reading Success Mini-Books: Word Families
Printable Mini BookGuided Reading Level B, Grade Level Equivalent 0.4.
Grade: Pre K - K
Topic: Reading
Word Family Tales: Billy the Bug’s New Jug
First Grade ReadingGuided Reading Level H, Grade Level Equivalent 1.5.
Grade: 1
Topic: Reading
Helen Keller: An Inspiring Life (Biography Mini Book)
First Grade ReadingFirst Grade Reading Guided Reading Level J, Grade Level Equivalent 2.4.
Grade: K - 4
Topic: Reading