Subscription Terms

Subscriptions can be purchased by paying a monthly subscription fee, or an upfront fee for a defined period, depending on the product offering. When you register for a Subscription, you consent to get access to the Service immediately. SUBSCRIPTIONS CANNOT BE TERMINATED BEFORE THE END OF THE PERIOD FOR WHICH YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID, AND SCHOLASTIC WILL NOT REFUND ANY FEES THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID.

  1. Automatic Renewal. Subscriptions to the Service renew automatically, for the same duration as the original purchase. If you purchase a Subscription, you acknowledge and agree that we are authorized to use the payment information on file for the recurring renewal fee. You may cancel your account at any time from within your Manage Subscription settings on the applicable product’s website. This will stop future subscription charges from accruing to your account. Until you cancel, your Subscription will renew for the same duration as the original purchase, on the same day of the month as the date you made your initial purchase, and the payment information on file will be billed for the then-current subscription fee. This purchase date will be included on your Subscription confirmation receipt that will be emailed to you at the email you provide.
  2. Cancellations. You can cancel your Subscription at any time by logging into your account through the product’s website and following the instructions on the Manage Subscription tab. The cancellation will take effect the day after the last day of the current subscription period. You must cancel your Subscription prior to your next recurring billing date in order to avoid being charged. If you cancel your Subscription, you will continue to have access to the Service through the end of your current billing period. Canceling your Subscription will not completely delete your account from our website. You may choose to delete your account, but you will not be able to recover data from your former account at a later date if you do so.
  3. No refunds. While you may cancel your Subscription at any time, there are no partial or pro-rata refunds for cancellation. Scholastic may, however, offer partial, pro rata refunds for Scholastic’s early suspension, termination, or cancellation of a paid program, where the pricing and payment terms for the specific Scholastic program expressly state that such refunds are available in such scenarios and/or as required by law. In the event that you cancel your account or Scholastic suspends or terminates your account for your breach of these Subscription Terms, you understand and agree that you shall receive no refund for any unused time on a Subscription, any license or Subscription fees for any portion of the Service, any content or data associated with your account, or for anything else.
  4. Pricing. Scholastic may change the price for the Subscriptions, from time to time, by posting the new price on the Service. Price changes for Subscriptions will take effect at the start of the next subscription period following the date of the price change. As permitted by local law, you accept the new price by continuing to use the Service after the price change takes effect. If you do not agree with the price changes, you have the right to reject the change by canceling your Subscription prior to the price change going into effect. Please therefore make sure you read any such notification of price changes carefully. Additional terms may apply.


For other questions about your subscription, please contact CUSTOMER SERVICE.


Most recently updated September, 2024.