We know summertime can provide tremendous opportunities for kids to accelerate reading, to experience the social-emotional impact of good literature and stories, and to make up for any lost learning time as access to instruction and reading has had to be completely rethought due to the pandemic. Research has proven that in a typical year, summer reading supports skill gains, and its absence leads to widening skill gaps. With this in mind, our Scholastic Summer Reading Promise is to help you get books in the hands of kids, support social-emotional well-being, build skills and create community among kids.
Scholastic’s work with all of our partners has changed dramatically this past year, reflecting the dedication of school leaders, teachers and families to address the needs of children in the face of great challenges. Together, we found new ways to get millions of books to children who were unable to attend schools while also supporting remote, hybrid, and in-person learning. We would like to use our proven summer reading resources combined with these learnings to ensure that your children have opportunities for reading acceleration, gain motivation and experience the confidence that reading success brings. Explore this site to learn more and you can also call us at: 1-800-SCHOLASTIC