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Activity 5: What is the connection between community needs and innovative design?
Flip Through the Flip Book
If there is time, open the STEM Career Flip Book to learn about software and web developers. Open the Flip Book.
STEM Spotlight!
After you discuss what guides engineering designs, check out three cool technological innovations on the leader's tablet.

Google Car

Underwater Robot

Super Soccer Ball
Once you've learned about these innovative designs, can you think up some new ways to use the innovations?
Challenge Time: Talk About It!

What do you think would make your community a better place to live? If you've got opinions on this matter, now's your opportunity to share them!

Do the Challenge: Talk about the questions below with your team and write down your team's responses on a sheet of paper. Compare everyone's answers. What do you all agree on? What do you disagree on?

What Can You Design?

Using the ideas you came up with during the Challenge Time discussion, brainstorm an innovation that could help your community. Work with your teammate to draw out one of your ideas. You can draw on a sheet of paper or use the Picasso app to draw on the tablet.

NOTE: You can save your drawings on the Picasso app by tapping the red folder at the bottom of the screen and selecting "Save." When you're ready to keep editing your drawing, return to Picasso and tap the red folder at the bottom of the screen again and select "Load," then tap your drawing to start editing.