
4 Test-Prep Resources to Boost Confidence and Increase Proficiency

By Scholastic Editors
February 6, 2019

    Key Takeaways

  • While preparing for standardized tests, it's important that you have resources that will reach every student.
  • By focusing on the subjects of math and reading, you'll not only prepare students for standardized tests, you'll help them relax and boost their test-taking confidence, too.
  • These four resources from Scholastic will help your students study more effectively and, most importantly, increase proficiency.
  • To effectively prepare your students for standardized tests, you’ll need reading and math resources that will not only help them study more effectively, but most importantly, will increase their learning. Scholastic offers these test-taking strategies, solutions, and resources to help every teacher reach every child and ensure each of your students succeed during test season.

    Reading Passages That Build Comprehension: Context Clues

    Effectively prepare your students for standardized test by helping them use context clues to boost their reading skills. This test-preparation resource features 35 pages of high-interest fiction and nonfiction reading passages along with bubble-test practice questions to review and build reading skills. Also included are model lessons and pre- and post-reading assessments.

    Scholastic Success With Math Tests: Grade 3

    There’s no better way to prepare students for test-taking season than providing repeated exposure to the common test-taking structures. These 8 practice tests feature 20-30 multiple choice questions that model the kinds of math problems your students will likely encounter on their standardized tests.

    Hi-Lo Nonfiction Passages for Struggling Readers: Grades 4-5

    Designed for reluctant readers in grades 4–5, these nonfiction passages are easy-to-read and feature a wide range of high-interest topics your students will connect to. Each passage is easy to reproduce and offers test-formatted comprehension and vocabulary questions, and engaging writing activities to help you reach the students who need it most.

    Standardized Test Tutor: Math: Grade 4

    These practice math tests feature strategies and test-taking tips to boost scores and ensure success. Modeling today’s tests, each practice test provides different levels of scaffolding and is a great to boost student confidence.

    When it comes to preparing students for standardized tests, these resources from Scholastic not only help you review relevant skills and content that will boost scores, they’ll also increase student confidence and take the pressure off standardized test preparation, for both students and teachers.