
7 Things You Might Not Know About Civil Rights Icon Ruby Bridges

Use these facts and resources to encourage critical thinking and classroom conversation.

By Scholastic Editors
November 1, 2024

As a young student, Ruby Bridges displayed immense courage and bravery in 1960 by facing down a mob of segregationists outside her elementary school in New Orleans, Louisiana. As a result, she led the charge for integration in the Deep South, becoming the first African American child to integrate an all-white elementary school in the region.

Discover 12 books that amplify Black voices. 

To teach your students more about Ruby Bridges, check out this free activity guide. Here a few more facts you and your students may or may not know about this famous civil rights icon:

1. In 1960, Ruby Bridges was only six years old when she integrated her new elementary school in New Orleans.

2. Federal Marshals had to protect Bridges when she entered the school.

3. Bridges was the only student at school that day. White parents didn't send their children to school and many white teachers walked out in protest. Bridges did not have class that first day.

4. The next day a white teacher began teaching her. Bridges was the only student at the school for the rest of the year.

5. When Bridges began second grade, her school was completely integrated.

6. Growing up, Bridges continued to advance civil rights causes and even started a foundation to promote social justice and racial harmony.

7. In 2001, President Bill Clinton presented her with the Presidential Citizens Medal.

Share Books About Ruby Bridges

If you’re looking for a few additional stories to help your students learn about Bridges' life and understand what segregation and inequality once looked like in America, these titles are a great place to start:

  • The Story of Ruby BridgesProvide young readers with a glimpse into the life of Bridges and what she and her family had to endure to fully integrate her elementary school. It wasn’t just walking into her school that first day that led to integration, it was Bridges' courage and determination to return to school each day that sparked change.
  • Through My EyesExplore another account of Bridges' story, shared in her own words. By reading, your students will gain a better understanding of the prejudice and discrimination Bridges faced as a young child in the Deep South, and the courage and bravery she had to tap in order to overcome those barriers to equal rights.

Share Black stories in class with these books.

As a follow-up to their reading, consider this Ruby Bridges: Text & Organizer to help students reflect on the life of Ruby Bridges and learn more about the themes, main ideas, and vocabulary critical to the civil rights movement. 

Shop more books about Ruby Bridges below! You can find all books and activities at The Teacher Store.

Hardcover Book

Ruby Bridges: A Talk with My Teacher

Grades Pre-K - 3
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Acclaimed civil rights icon, Ruby Bridges, shares the touching tale of reuniting with the first-grade teacher who changed her life, Mrs. Henry.

The extraordinary true story of Ruby Bridges, the first African-American child to integrate a New Orleans school — now with simple text for young readers!

Ruby Bridges was born during the time of segregation in the South. In 1960, she made history when she attended an all-white school. Follow her story and learn why we still celebrate her courage today.


Hardcover Book

Dear Ruby, Hear Our Hearts

Grades K - 4
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This book is a compilation of letters from concerned young students about today's issues, including bullying, climate change, gun violence, and racism. Reading Ruby's intuitive and inspirational responses, young readers will embrace the courage to be brave, bold, and confident.


Paperback Book

I Am Ruby Bridges

Grades 1 - 3
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I Am Ruby Bridges offers hope and confidence to all children. It is the perfect learning tool for schools and libraries to teach the story of Ruby Bridges and introduce this landmark story to young readers in a powerful new way. This story of innocence and courage is brought to life by NAACP-nominated artist, Nikkolas Smith through stunning and breath-taking illustrations. Embracing the meaning of her name, Bridges reflects with poignancy and heart on the way one brave little girl stood proud to help build a bridge between all people and pave the path for future generations.

Library Binding

Ruby Bridges

Grades 1 - 2
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Ruby Bridges grew up at a time when African-American people were treated as second-class citizens in many parts of the United States. At just six year old, this courageous child stood up against racism and hatred to help integrate Louisiana's school system. Her story continues to inspire people of all ages.

Paperback Book

The Story of Ruby Bridges

Grades 2 - 3
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This beautiful picture book, illustrated by Coretta Scott King Award-illustrator George Ford, and written by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Coles, tells the true story of six-year-old Ruby Bridges.

Paperback Book

Through My Eyes

Grades 5 - 7
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This is the story of a pivotal event in history as Ruby Bridges saw it unfold around her. 


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