Mark the momentous occasion of the one hundredth day of school with these fun and engaging activities.
Celebrating the 100th day of school is not only fun, it’s also packed with tons of valuable learning opportunities for your students. From books to balloons and counting to crafts, we’ve rounded up 99 quick and easy ways to bring 100th Day fun into your classroom this year.
1. Read The Biggest Snowman Ever! and then count out and fill a jar with 100 cotton balls.
2. Use a map to find what is 100 miles north, south, east, and west of your school.
3. Keep track of new words while you’re reading until you get to 100.
4. Count to 100 using divisors.
5. Celebrate with Spike and his critter classmates in Hedgehog’s 100th Day of School.
6. Write a shared story of 100 sentences, with each student adding a sentence at a time.
7. String a necklace using 100 beads or pieces of pasta.
8. Fill small baggies with 100 small, easy-to-collect items (paper clips, seeds, beans, pencils, etc.) then guess the weight of each. Weigh each bag to see who got it right!
9. Talk about what was happening 100 years ago. What was the world like?
10. Use 100 plastic cups to build a giant pyramid—or anything else you can think of!
11. Read 100th Day Worries and talk about some of the things you’re worried about and how you can work through them.
12. Figure out what year it will be when you turn 100 years old.
13. Fill in this sentence: “On the first day of school I couldn’t _______, but now on the 100th day, I can ______.”
14. Make a pattern using 100 shapes.
15. Count to 100 by 5s.
16. Count to 100 by 10s.
17. Learn to say 100 in three other languages.
18. Make a tower with 100 blocks.
19. Use stickers to make a 100th Day dot craft.
20. Make a paper chain with 100 links and hang it across your classroom.
21. Learn how to make a tally up to 100.
22. Get physical! Do 100 hops or jumping jacks.
23. Hold a food drive and collect 100 food items for your favorite charity.
24. Read The Snowy Day and then make 100 paper snowflakes to hang in your classroom.
25. Write a story about what you think the world will be like in 100 years.
26. Print out a weather map and find the cities where the temperature reached 100 degrees or more.
27. Find a school 100 miles away, then write them a postcard from your class. See if they write back!
28. Fill a jar with 100 kindness cards, then hand them out each time you notice a student doing something kind.
29. Celebrate with 100 laughs by reading The 100th Day of School from the Black Lagoon.
30. Make a 100th Day quilt.
31. Put 100 words in alphabetical order.
32. Read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle and then count out 100 seeds. Set them aside until spring and then plant them and watch them grow!
33. Practice writing the number 100.
34. Find out how Robin Hill School celebrates 100 days.
35. Figure out how you spent the last 100 hours. How many hours did you spend sleeping? Playing? Eating? Doing homework?
36. Get inspired by reading 100 Ways to Celebrate 100 Days.
37. Write a story about what you would do with $100.
38. Blow up 100 balloons.
39. Make a list of 100 things you see in your classroom, then see how many you can spot in I SPY School Days.
40. Organize a bake sale and try to raise $100 for your favorite cause.
41. Get a head start in math with these 0-100 flash cards.
42. Make a celebration snake and learn to count to 100 along the way.
43. Sing the 100th Day of School song. (Loudly!)
44. Write a 100th Day poem.
45. Pick out number patterns from 1-100.
46. Find out how this first-grade class celebrates in Hooray for the 100th Day!
47. Run a 100-foot race.
48. Learn to graph (and reveal a special 100th Day picture along the way) and then...
49. Make a graph of what you would want 100 of.
50. Make a banner with 100 handprints.
51. Paint 100 small rocks or beans, then glue them to a piece of cardboard.
52. Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, then make a list of 100 foods you love to eat.
53. Break your class into three teams see who can solve 100 math problems first.
54. Count 100 jelly beans and separate them by color. Figure out the percentage of each color. Then eat the jelly beans!
55. Complete 100 math worksheets as a class.
56. Read The Winter Wish, then make a list of 100 wishes.
57. Make a 100th Day Poetry Frame.
58. Make a crown or a headband with 100 Cheerios.
59. Be kind! Read Kindness Counts, then make a list of 100 kind things you can do or say. Hang the list in your classroom.
60. Go outside and take 100 steps, then measure to see who got the closest to 100 feet.
61. Make 100th Day mini-books.
62. Practice grouping by collecting 100 beans and grouping them by 10s, 5s, and 2s
63. Make 100 cards for a charity, children’s hospital, or the troops.
64. Use a counting caddie to learn to count to 100.
65. Learn about what it takes to be the president in So, You Want to Be the President? Then figure out who the president was 100 years ago.
66. Dress up like how you think you’ll look when you’re 100 years old.
67. Practice multiplying by 10s to get to 100.
68. Have a contest to see who can write the numbers 1-100 in 100 seconds. Whoever wins gets a reward!
69. Glue 100 popsicle sticks to a long piece of paper, then create your own popsicles on each one.
70. Do a 100th Day activity sheet.
71. Read about making a pizza, then draw a giant pizza and color in 100 toppings.
72. Try to bounce a ball 100 times.
73. Use riddles, secret codes, and interactive stories to celebrate 100 days with this activity booklet.
74. Join everyone’s favorite kindergarten teacher in Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten.
75. Make a chain of 100 students across the playground.
76. See how many times you can write your name in 100 seconds.
77. Make your own mini-book of 100th Day poems.
78. Congratulate your students for completing 100 days of school with a reward certificate.
79. Keep a list throughout the year of all the books you’ve read in your classroom, then celebrate when you hit 100!
80. Draw 100 spots on this adorable dog! (And do some other activities along the way, too.)
81. Learn how to do everything “the 100 way” in the Scholastic Reader Level 2: The 100th Day of School book.
82. Organize a 100th Day scavenger hunt around your classroom.
83. Make a stack of 100 coins, then measure it.
84. Fill out a Making Hundreds chart.
85. Read Rookie Read-About Holidays: 100 Days of School and learn fun facts about the 100th day of school.
86. Race to 100 with this easy-to-make shoebox learning center.
87. Draw a picture of your 100th Day celebration.
88. Flip a coin 100 times and keep track of the results.
89. See how Miss Hill’s class celebrates 100 days in this Hello Reader! Level 1: The 100th Day.
90. Do a coloring activity.
91. Will Emily ever make it to her 100th day of school? Read Emily’s First 100 Days of School to find out, then complete these fun 100th Day activities.
92. Take a photo with 100 students in the shape of the number 100, then hang it in your school.
93. Learn why zero is a hero, then practice counting by 10s.
94. Learn about the seasons in The Year at Maple Hill Farm, then make a list of 100 things you like to do outside—25 for each season!
95. Figure out how many days there are in 100 hours.
96. Read Happy 100th Day! and look for the 100 objects on each page.
97. See if your class can be perfectly quiet for 100 seconds!
98. Read, write, and color your way to 100 days.
99. Put together a 100-piece puzzle.