
3 Books and Activities to Encourage Acts of Kindness in the Classroom

Inspire early learners to be kind to one another with these heartwarming books and activities.

By Scholastic Editors
August 31, 2023

When your students are kind to one another, it not only makes teaching easier for you, it makes learning easier for your students. Their confidence and self-esteem increases, and the positivity your young learners experience in school will have resounding effects outside their classroom, too.

These three books and activities are a great way to encourage random and not-so-random acts of kindness in your classroom and ensure your students experience all the amazing benefits of learning in a caring classroom.

The Three Questions + Kindness Q&A
In this tale of kindness and compassion based on a story by Leo Tolstoy, young Nikolai turns to his friends for answers to his three questions. But when their answers fail to satisfy him, Nikolai sets out in search of Leo, the wise turtle, who he finds working in his garden. Nikolai offers to help. When they’re done for the day, a storm moves in, but as Nikolai makes a break for Leo’s cottage, he finds a panda injured by a fallen branch. He carries her to Leo’s house and tends to her leg. After getting her to safety, Nikolai rushes back out to save her baby. The next day, Nikolai discovers the answers to all three of his questions.

After reading, invite students to pair off and ask one another the same questions Nikolai asked Leo:

  • What is the best time to do things?
  • Who is the most important one?
  • What is the right thing to do?

If they paid close attention, they’ll understand that the time is now, that their partner is the most important one, and that the right thing to do is to do something good for their partner. Next, encourage each pair of students to reflect on a small act of kindness they can do for one another. Whether it’s a smile, drawing a picture, listening to a story, or helping practice letter sounds, this activity is a great way to show your young learners that small, simple gestures can go a long way and have a profound effect on those around them.

Paperback Book

The Three Questions

Grades 2 - 4
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What is the best time to do things? Who is the most important one? What is the right thing to do? Nikolai knows that he wants to be the best person he can be, but often he is unsure if he is doing the right thing. So he goes to ask Leo, the wise turtle. When he arrives, the turtle is struggling to dig in his garden, and Nikolai rushes to help him. As he finishes work, a violent storm rolls in. Nikolai runs for Leo's cottage, but on his way, he hears cries for help from an injured panda. Nikolai brings her in from the cold, and then rushes back outside to rescue her baby too.

Those Shoes + Wants vs. Needs Writing Exercise
In this relatable story of childhood desire, your students will learn the important distinction between “wants” and “needs.” Like most children his age, Jeremy wants the same pair of shoes all his classmates are wearing. There’s only one problem: he can’t afford them! But it doesn’t take long for Jeremy to realize that the things he already has, like a pair of warm boots, a loving grandmother, and the opportunity to help out his friend Antonio, are all he really needs.

After reading, encourage your students to choose a few things in their life they truly appreciate — their needs — and write about why they’re so important. Next, instruct students to reflect upon and write about any “wants” they have in their life right now and why they believe they need them. Finally, ask students to devise a plan for helping out a friend or family member using Jeremy’s and Antonio’s story as inspiration.

Paperback Book

Those Shoes

Grades 2 - 4
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All Jeremy wants is a pair of those shoes like the ones everyone at school seems to be wearing. Though Jeremy's grandma says they don't have room for "want," just "need," when his old shoes fall apart at school, he is more determined than ever to have those shoes, even a thrift-shop pair that's the wrong size. But sore feet aren't much fun, and Jeremy soon sees that the things he has - warm boots, a loving grandma, and the chance to help a friend - are worth more than the things he wants.

Wings + Standing Up for Friends Class Discussion
This inspiring story of flight and standing up for our friends is the perfect book for inspiring acts of kindness in your classroom. While reading, your students will meet Ikarus Jackson, a brave boy with wings who is ridiculed by classmates. He does have one friend, though she’s too shy to speak up and share how beautiful she thinks Ikarus’ wings really are. But when his classmates’ taunts become too much and Ikarus drifts away, his friend finds the courage within herself to finally stand up for her pal. 

Everyone has a story to tell about a time they failed to speak up and stand up for a friend or classmate. After reading, bring your class together and share a similar story from your own life, focusing on how it made you feel and what you could have done differently to stand up for someone. Next, share an experience where you spoke out in support of a friend and the feelings that were evoked. Invite your students to share similar stories if they feel comfortable doing so.

Paperback Book


Grades 3 - 4
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Are you brave enough to be your true self? Ikarus Jackson is. But it isn't always easy. The people in his neighborhood point at his wings. The kids at school laugh. The teachers call him a distraction. One girl identifies with him, but she is too shy to speak up. Finally, when his classmates' taunts send Ikarus drifting into the sky, the girl sets out in search of him, and so begins her own journey of self-discovery, leaving both of them transformed.

Encouraging even the smallest acts of kindness will have a huge impact. With these books and activities, your students will quickly learn that being kind to one another not only makes their classroom more caring, but will have a profound effect at home and in their community.

Shop more wonderful books about kindness below! You can find all books and activities at The Teacher Store.

Paperback Book

What Does It Mean to be Kind?

Grades Pre-K - 2
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A girl in a red hat finds the courage to be kind to the new student in class. Her kindness spreads, until her whole community experiences the magical shift that happens when people understand what it means to be kind, and act on their best impulses!

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Miss Fox is tired of hearing her young students quarrel. So she announces Peace Week; no more squabbling for one whole week! The children chime in with their own rules: no fighting, don't say mean things, and help others.

Throughout the week each of the little animals gets a chance to practice this new behavior. When Polecat teases Bunny for wearing a bright yellow sweater, instead of poking fun back at Polecat, Bunny admires his sweater. Soon, to their surprise, the animals are finding that it's easy to help others, take turns, and say nice things, even when someone is grumpy to them. Wouldn't it be nice, Squirrel says, if every week could be Peace Week?

Paperback Book

The Invisible Boy

Grades K - 2
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Meet Brian, the invisible boy. Nobody ever seems to notice him or think to include him in their group, game, or birthday party...until, that is, a new kid comes to class.

When Justin, the new boy, arrives, Brian is the first to make him feel welcome. And when Brian and Justin team up to work on a class project together, Brian finds a way to shine.

From esteemed author and speaker Trudy Ludwig and acclaimed illustrator Patrice Barton, this gentle story shows how small acts of kindness can help children feel included and allow them to flourish. Any parent, teacher, or counselor looking for material that sensitively addresses the needs of quieter children will find The Invisible Boy a valuable and important resource.

Includes backmatter with discussion questions and resources for further reading.

Paperback Book

Last Stop on Market Street

Grades K - 3
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Every Sunday after church, CJ and his grandma ride the bus across town. But today, CJ wonders why they don't own a car like his friend Colby. Why doesn't he have an iPod like the boys on the bus? How come they always have to get off in the dirty part of town? Each question is met with an encouraging answer from Grandma, who helps him see the beauty and fun in their routine and the world around them.

Paperback Book

Where Are You From?

Grades 1 - 3
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When a girl is asked where she's from-where she's really from-none of her answers seems to be the right one. Unsure about how to reply, she turns to her loving abuelo for help. He doesn't give her the response she expects. She gets an even better one:

Where am I from? You're from hurricanes and dark storms, and a tiny singing frog that calls the island people home when the sun goes to sleep....

With themes of self-acceptance, identity, and home, this powerful, lyrical picture book will resonate with readers young and old, from all backgrounds and of all colors-especially anyone who ever felt that they don't belong.

Paperback Book

Save Me a Seat

Grades 3 - 5
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Joe and Ravi don't think they have anything in common, but soon enough they have a common enemy (the biggest bully in their class) and a common mission: to take control of their lives over the course of a single crazy week.

Paperback Book

Bad Guys (The Bad Guys #1)

Grades 3 - 4
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Mr. Wolf. Mr. Shark. Mr. Snake. Mr. Piranha. They're bad guys, everybody knows that. They're scary and dangerous and...well, just bad. But these guys want to be heroes. And they're going to prove it by doing good deeds, like rescuing those dogs from the city pound. Will the Bad Guys become the Good Guys when the dust settles?