
How to Write a Newspaper Article for Grades 3-5

Inspire budding journalists with these newspaper-writing tools and exercises.

By Scholastic Editors
December 10, 2018

    If you have a class filled with newshounds eager to write their own front-page stories about classroom events or the latest happenings in the cafeteria, Scholastic Teachables has you covered with ready-to-go resources for your young journalists.

    These 5 resources will help students in grades 3–5 learn about the newswriting process and how to add descriptive elements that will engage readers. Not only will they learn how to write a news article, students will also learn important content-area vocabulary that gives new meaning to words like dummybleeds, and widow. Before you know it, your classroom will be a busy newsroom filled with young reporters looking to break the next big story!

    1.     Newspaper Writing: Narrative Learning Center

    This narrative learning center specifically designed for newspaper writing helps students report facts and write a compelling news story that will engage their readers. The printable includes an introductory lesson, student directions, model writing samples, graphic organizers, differentiation tips, and an assessment rubric.

    2.     Newspaper Article: Leveled Graphic Organizers

    This lesson with tiered graphic organizers will help your cub reporters and front-page newshounds learn the basics of news writing. Students will write a news article that opens with a lead, includes who, what, when, where, and why, and presents details in the body of the story.

    3.     Newspaper Jargon: Grade 4 Vocabulary

    To be true news writers, students need to know the industry jargon. This vocabulary packet teaches students what words like bleedsdummy, and stringer commonly mean in newsrooms.

    4.     The Daily News: Language Arts Bulletin Board

    This bulletin board resource not only turns your classroom into a newsroom, it also helps students develop the speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills they need to run it effectively. 

    5.     Plenty of Plastic: Grade 5 Opinion Writing Lesson

    Every respected newspaper has a robust editorial section. This writing lesson helps create persuasive opinion writers by encouraging students to take a written stance for or against plastic bags.

    Scholastic Teachables helps teachers like you build the next generation of journalists and newshounds. Even better, these teaching materials are ready to go, saving you time when you need it most during the school year. The printables are free to subscribers of Scholastic Teachables or are available for individual purchase. Log in or subscribe today for teaching tools to help your students write news articles that can make a difference in your classroom, school, and community!