Teaching Students About Overcoming Barriers by Studying Jackie Robinson (Gr. 9-12)
Students will learn about the concept of “barriers” by reading and discussing a text about Jackie Robinson and how he broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball.
Students will:
Set Up
Make a class set of the About My Father printable.
Lesson Directions
Step 1: Start by asking students what a “barrier” is.Guide them to define it as: A challenge or obstacle that makes it difficult for you to move forward.
Discuss with them that some barriers can be seen, such as a fence, a disability, or an event, while others cannot, such as fear, inexperience, or lack of skills.
Step 2: Ask the class to think of different barriers that people face and how these barriers make it difficult for people to move forward. Create a list on the board. Ask students: What are some ways that people overcome their barriers?
Step 3: Divide the class into small groups and distribute the About My Father printable. You can also have students read the digital version by loading the About My Father Digital Interactive on student computers or assigning the reading as homework.
Step 4: Have student volunteers read passages from the story. Then have groups discuss the story using text evidence to respond to the following questions:
Step 5: After students finish their discussions, ask various groups to share their answers with supporting information from the text. Then instruct students to write a paragraph about what made Jackie Robinson a good candidate to break the color barrier. Have them refer back to the About My Father article as they write and cite evidence from the text to support their point of view.
Step 6: From the list created in Step 2 above, ask students to choose one of the barriers (or assign one barrier to each student). Instruct students to write a couple of sentences about how any of Jackie Robinson's character traits might be helpful to overcome the barrier and explain why.
Step 7: Divide students into small groups to share their paragraphs and sentences. Then have them share their writings with the entire class.
Video Extension Activity
You can also read synopses of the video clips.
After students have viewed the clips, ask them to discuss the questions below in small groups. After students finish their discussions, invite various groups to share their answers.