
If you're eager to advance your teaching career, these professional development books are a must for your shelf.

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7 Mighty Moves by Lindsay Kemeny kicks off with practical advice tailored for K–3 educators looking to revamp their reading instruction. Kemeny breaks down critical areas like phonemic awareness and comprehension boosters, offering straightforward strategies you can implement right away. Plus, she includes video demonstrations to show her methods in action — a real game-changer for busy classrooms.

Unearthing Joy by Gholdy Muhammad builds on the success of Cultivating Genius by integrating joy into the learning journey. Dr. Muhammad explores how incorporating cultural and historical contexts enriches students' sense of identity and intellectual growth. It’s about fostering a classroom where every student feels valued and inspired to learn with purpose.
To further enhance your reading instruction, Reading Above the Fray by Julia Lindsey takes evidence-based strategies and makes them accessible for enhancing your reading instruction. Dr. Lindsey’s tips help young readers decode words more effectively, freeing up mental energy for deeper comprehension and enjoyment. She also shares practical "teacher-approved swaps" to refine your early reading lessons — because sometimes a small tweak can lead to big improvements.

Together, these books provide a holistic approach to professional development. They blend innovative teaching techniques, cultural responsiveness, and evidence-based reading strategies to help you create an inclusive and dynamic classroom environment.

Add these must-reads to your professional development collection and see the difference in your teaching. You can find all books and activities at The Teacher Store.

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