
If you’re thinking of running a ClassroomsCount™ campaign to raise funds for your classroom, then there are lots of strategies you can use to set yourself up for success. 

But there’s one thing that the majority of successful campaigns have in common: They all receive at least one contribution within the first seven days. In fact, 65 percent of funded campaigns get their first contribution within 24 hours.  

So getting off to a good start is the key factor in determining the success of your campaign! And there are lots of ways you can make sure you give your campaign the best chance of raising funds for books and resources for your classroom. Check out the must-know strategies below and be sure to implement them when you launch your campaign! 

Start your ClassroomsCount™ campaign today.  

Proven Strategies for Success 

Share your campaign with your community on day one. 

Let your community know about your campaign the day it launches by sending a thoughtful email to your contacts with a link to your ClassroomsCount™ page.

Pinpointing six people in your close circle to ask directly is also a proven method of getting funds. This could be a sibling, a best friend, or your old college roommate! Finally, be sure to share your campaign on social media — this makes it four times more likely to receive funding.

Doing all of these things on day one of your campaign optimizes your chances of getting contributions. 

Describe what you’ll spend your funds on in detail. 

Communicating your story effectively is pivotal to raising funds.

Being specific about what you're raising funds for will help potential contributors to not just understand your goals, but to feel more invested in them. For example, don’t say, “I will use the funds to buy books for my classroom library.” Instead, say something like, “This year my class did a unit on dragons as 2024 is the Year of the Dragon. Now my students are obsessed with dragons! I intend to use the funds to buy the Wings of Fire and the Dragon Masters series.”  

Make your campaign name specific, fun, and actionable. 

Instead of a vague campaign name like “Books for Mrs. McBroom’s Students,” give it a title like “Help Mrs. McBroom Give Every Student a Book About Koalas.” This will not only create intrigue among potential contributors, it will also help your campaign to stand out. Using action verbs like “Get,” “Build,” and “Assist” gives the reader a clearer understanding of what you’re hoping to achieve.    

Set a clear timeline and an attainable goal. 

Bigger and longer aren’t always better when it comes to ClassroomsCount™ campaigns. A shorter timeline, 30-60 days for example, adds a sense of urgency that will make people more likely to contribute immediately. If you don’t hit your goal in a shorter period of time, you can always extend your campaign end date (which many teachers have done and then hit their goal).

Being realistic about how much money you hope to raise is important too. It’s great to be ambitious, but your goal should be attainable. 

Teacher Tips for Effective Campaigns 

We asked teachers with successful campaigns for their top fundraising tips. Here’s what they said:  

“Think about the wording and hot topics in education when writing your campaign. Put your students' interests first and keep posting.” - Courtney S., teacher raising $200 

“Set an obtainable goal and share on as many social media platforms as possible. Share your campaign with your classroom families because even the smallest donation is helpful.” - Jacqueline U., teacher raising $200

“Share a monthly picture of your class with their new books. This shows that they’re receiving their books! I always post my campaign link, so people can continue to donate throughout the year!” - Ashley H., teacher raising $600 

Ready to Start Your Campaign? 

Building your ClassroomsCount™ page is hassle-free and fast (on average, it takes teachers just three minutes, 42 seconds to create their campaign). Check out this quick video to see just how easy it is. 

Once you’ve built your campaign, you can start fundraising immediately. Every penny is yours to spend and there are no hidden fees or costs. Plus, you don’t have to hit your campaign goal before you can spend your funds. 

One of the most convenient features of ClassroomsCount™ is the flexibility: You can use the funds you raise to purchase resources from Book Clubs, The Teacher Store, The Scholastic Store, Scholastic Magazines+, and participating Scholastic Book Fairs.    

Start your ClassroomsCount™ campaign today here.

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