Harness your students' excitement about Thanksgiving with the holiday-themed activities in these printable packets.
The month of November typically flies by as the Halloween high gives way to Thanksgiving break anticipation and excitement. You can harness that excitement by creating engaging Thanksgiving-focused lessons that incorporate important themes related to American history, social studies, and cultural traditions. This way you can ensure that your students remain focused and engaged in learning, right up until the holiday breaks and celebrations.
It’s important to have all your materials organized and ready for action. Scholastic Teachables gives you easy-to-grab-and-go materials that students love, including monthly and thematic packs for 3 distinct grade bands. These Thanksgiving packs help students learn about U.S. history, traditions, and gratitude through activities centered on reading, writing, and math. But just as important, Scholastic Teachables makes your life easier by cutting down on planning time.
With more than 30 pages of curated activities for thematic teaching, each of these packs helps you tie content-area lessons together and is specifically designed to support whole-class lessons, small-group teaching, independent work, and family engagement.
The grades PreK–K pack includes activity-packed early learning units on Thanksgiving and turkeys, featuring fun and engaging craftivities, recipes, early math problems, and discussion prompts. Sing-alongs and mini-books focused on the holiday help build literacy and vocabulary.
The grades 1–2 pack includes a holiday history featuring traditions from around the world, as well as bulletin board templates, a compare-and-contrast mini-book and graphic organizer, social studies activities, a math glyph, and more.
The grades 3–4 pack includes independent reading activity pages, texts on the Pilgrims, creative writing prompts, and math materials, including a graphing page and Mayflower Math word problems.
Scholastic Teachables makes it easier for you to engage students with fun and enriching activities during any season. But most importantly, it saves you time when you need it most. These packs are free to subscribers of Scholastic Teachables or are available for individual purchase. Log in or subscribe today to have all the thematic teaching tools you need to make November fun and engaging for your students. You'll be thankful you did!