
19 Mind-Blowing Books About Ninjas

Your students will love this collection of 19 amazing books featuring inspiring stories of their favorite martial arts expert—the ninja!

Whether it’s helping others or learning that life on the farm isn’t as easy as it seems, the ninjas featured in these stories all share the same important character traits you’ll want your young readers to develop, too. Determination, perseverance, courage, and honesty play a central role in the telling of these engaging and fanciful martial arts stories—stories even your most reluctant readers won’t want to put down.

Paperback Book

Ninja in the Kitchen

Grades K - 1
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In this book, Moby Shinobi is making pizza at Papa Peppy's Pizza Shop. But when Moby tries to toss dough, slice pies, and serve hungry customers, each attempt to help out just ends in a funny mess.

Paperback Book

Ninja Worrier

Grades 2 - 3
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Even if Freddy becomes a ninja, will he be brave enough to stand up to the biggest bully in the second grade, Max Sellars?