
It’s normal for your students to feel nervous about starting kindergarten — it’s a big change! But stocking up on books featuring relatable characters can help your students get excited about learning and making new friends. 

For example, favorites like Kindergarten, Here I Come! will help ease first-day jitters, while captivating your students with engaging rhyming text and charming illustrations. These books will also help your students build core literacy skills, like recognizing sight words and producing rhyming words. 

Students will appreciate stories that mirror similar experiences they are going through. Additionally, a classroom read aloud can lead to important discussions about feelings and spark empathy within the community.  

Shop all great books about kindergarten below now! You can find more books and activities at The Teacher Store.

(For more great books to help kids get ready for kindergarten, check out these 10 books that help teach about paying attention and following directions — plus, see why teachers love this book about hand hygiene!) 

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