
With spring approaching, now is the perfect opportunity to refresh your roster of amazing titles. There's nothing like a fresh batch of popular books to ring in a new season!

Our Super Saver Collections are the perfect solution for updating your library with more exciting books on a budget. Each collection features grade-specific favorites and best sellers, so you can choose from a wide range of reading levels that’ll help your students meet their literacy goals. 

With a wide range of genres and characters, there’s something for everyone in each pack. For example, the Pleasure Reading Collection for Grades K-1 includes 50 best-selling books, like How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon and Kindergarten, Here I Come!

There are also the Double Your Pleasure Reading (100 books) and Triple Your Pleasure Reading (150 books) collections by grades, plus the Bargain Book Box packs (think 100 books for less than $250). 

Younger readers will delight in their favorite picture books and characters while sharpening their reading comprehension and vocabulary skills. Meanwhile, older readers will benefit from being exposed to more complex literary concepts, character building, plot development, and more. 

For support refreshing your classroom library, you can set up a ClassroomsCount™ campaign — Scholastic's easy, free platform for educators to raise funds for their classrooms and students. Start a campaign in minutes, share it with your community, and spend every penny as soon as you receive your funds. 

Shop the Super Saver collections below! You can find all books and activities at The Teacher Store.

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