(January 20–February
You are a dreamer and out to change the world. You don't really
have a whole lot of time for love right now, but that doesn't mean
you can't have fun and flirt. To change the world, you need to be
able to handle yourself in social situations in the future so give
it a little practice now. Who knows you might even have some fun!
Pisces (February 19–March
You are free-spirited which makes you a hard one to hold onto. Yet
every guy that meets you wants you to commit to him and him only.
You are young and don't need to be tied down to something serious
- so don't let someone pressure you into a relationship that you
aren't ready for.
(March 21–April
You are fearless, risking failure or personal injury with reckless
abandon, which is also how you approach your relationships. You
give everything to a friendship or a new guy even if you might get
hurt. This is not the time to get nervous - that sweetie you've
been crushin' on is just waiting for the right signal from you.
Don't be shy!
(April 20–May
You are a creature of comfort. You like your room to be full of
pictures, books and pillows. You love to talk on the phone for hours
and share your secrets with those you hold dear. Did you ever think
that guy you have been confiding in a lot recently could ever be
more than a friend? Maybe it's time to step a little bit outside
of that comfort zone!
(May 21–June
You are often compared with twins - having two distinct personalities
that interchange without warning. While some find this frustrating
there is a new cutie on the horizon that is up to the challenge.
Keep your eyes open and make sure you take advantage of the social
scene…have an opportunity to go on vacation? Take it.
(June 21–July
You are known for how well you treat your friends. It's just your
nature to be the one that nurtures a relationship. As spring approaches
however, it's a good time to be a little careless with others' emotions
and focus a little more on your own…especially that secret
crush you have been carefully guarding. Get out there and go for
(July 23–August
You are used to being the center of attention - and in fact, expect
it. What you may be missing is that sweetheart of a guy that has
been watching you from afar - definitely a quality guy that could
make you very happy. Now may be the time to take a little quiet
time and smell the roses. When you're ready to shine again, the
crowd will still be waiting.
(August 23–September
You are gracious, courteous and trustworthy. But don't you think
it is time that you break out of that shell of reliability? We do.
Let loose a little - don't be so responsible and cautious all the
time. Let people see the fun, carefree side that you reserve for
safe situations. That cutie you've had your eye on will appreciate
the other you.
(September 23–October
You are known for getting to know someone before you judge them,
which makes you a desirable friend and girlfriend. It's no wonder
all the boys want to take you out. You will notice a lot more attention
in the coming months - word is getting around that you are a keeper!
(October 23–November
You are a powerful water sign and can overwhelm those in close proximity
to you. But right around the corner is your match. At first you
may be frustrated and annoyed by that person (hey, you've done it
often to boys in the past so deal with it), but you'll soon see
that he is the perfect match for you.
Sagittarius (November 22–December
You are a perfectionist and tend to walk out on situations as soon
as they get difficult. More interested in identifying the problem
than fixing it, you may find it difficult to stay in a relationship…which
is sure to cause your friends to tease you. Don't let them get to
you - you know what you want and it's OK to wait for it.
(December 22–January
You are capable of turning an innocent friendship into a great romance
in your mind without the other person even knowing it! If you are
having feelings for someone, let them know. You tend to take the
safe road in all situations. That makes life nice, but not really
exciting. Take a chance. Go out a limb. Your parents have health
insurance, right?