Rocky River High School
Rocky River High School
Rocky River, Ohio
School Statistics |
Total Enrollment: |
805 |
Type of School: |
Public |
Location/Size of School: |
Urban Fringe, Large City School |
Receive Free/Reduced Lunch: |
6% |
Student-Teacher Ratio: |
22:1 |
For those students to whom mathematics doesn’t come easily, Rocky River has created a test preparation lab with resources ranging from flash cards to study guides to software on a mobile cart unit, and all of these resources address the Ohio Graduation Test, the SAT, and the ACT. Meanwhile, more than 60 students participate in a peer-tutoring group called Students for Other Students (SOS), which sends tutors to the district’s four schools to help younger students and classmates struggling with the subject. Last year, SOS tutors accumulated more than 1,400 volunteer hours. In addition to improving state testing scores, the tutors developed a greater understanding and appreciation of mathematics.