#BSCMeeting Twitter Party
February 2013
Hi, readers! It's been an exciting few months as we've celebrated the release of the first twenty Baby-sitters Club books in eReader format. Scholastic went all-out to share this good news, with a fabulous BSC Facebook page, lots of BSC trivia and fun facts, and guest bloggers who were invited to write about their favorite childhood BSC memories. It's been especially fun for me as I've gotten the chance to revisit the characters and the books that were an important part of my life for so many years.
Remember the meetings held at Claudia's house? Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:30, the BSC members met to handle the business of the club. Dues were collected, records were kept, snacks were eaten, and Stoneybrook parents knew to call during this time with their requests for baby-sitters.
So I was delighted when the dedicated BSC team at Scholastic told me they were planning a BSC Twitter party — to be held on a Wednesday at 5:30! I happily headed to Scholastic's New York City offices to join the team for what was to be a one-of-a-kind event.
By the time I arrived, preparations were in full swing for the 5:30 kickoff. Fans were already starting to send in questions, so I got ready to fire off as many answers as possible, as quickly as possible. The room was filled with the people who had been closely involved with all the fun surrounding the eReader BSC events, and a large screen allowed us to see all the tweets coming in from the fans. Since it was also a party, there were soft drinks, pizza, and plenty of candy from Claudia's "secret stash."
Once the meeting was called to order, the questions kept flying in, and the next hour seemed to go by in a flash. In addition to the questions and answers, there were random trivia questions for fans, and prizes given out for correct answers. (Trust me - BSC fans know their trivia!) It was fast-paced and fun. At one point, a loud cheer went up in the room when we learned that the BSC meeting was "trending," meaning it was one of the most popular topics on Twitter. Pretty amazing! I could never have imagined when I wrote the very first Baby-sitters Club book that one day I'd be able to "attend" an online meeting with dedicated fans of the series. A nice way to kick off the BSC's 27th year.
Happy reading!
P.S. Since there wasn't enough time to answer all of the questions that were asked at the meeting, I thought it would be fun to answer them now. Maybe one of them was yours!
Read Ann's Twitter Party Q&A