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FAQ: About Me

How old are you and where were you born?

I was born on August 12, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey.

Are you married and do you have any children?

I'm not married and I don't have any children, but I'm a doting aunt to my nephew, Henry. I also have several godchildren.

Do you have any sisters or brothers?

I have a sister who is two years younger than I am (but several inches taller!).

Where did you go to school?

I attended the public schools in Princeton, New Jersey, through high school and then graduated from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, with a double major in education and psychology.

Is Ann M. Martin your real name?

Yes, my real name is Ann Matthews Martin. Matthews is my mother's maiden name.

Who was your best friend when you were growing up?

My best friend was Beth McKeever. I based the character of Kristy on her. We're still very good friends.

Do you have any pets?

I have one dog, Sadie, and three cats, Gussie, Woody, and Willy.

Where do you live?

I live in the Hudson Valley region in upstate New York.

How old were you when your first book was published?

My first book was published in 1983 when I was 27 years old.

Did you always want to be a writer?

I always enjoyed writing, but never considered it seriously until after college.

I'm doing a school report. How can I learn more about you?

There is some biographic information on this website you can check out. You may want to try to find a copy of my biography, Ann M. Martin, by Margo Becker R. Also, you might look for one of the collections of interviews with authors. An example is Author Talk, by Leonard Marcus. Your school librarian may be able to help you locate this type of book.

Why did you have your spleen removed?

When I was eleven, I fell off the ladder to our tree house. The same thing happened to Karen in LS #81, Karen's Accident.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are reading, sewing, and needlework. I love to make clothes for children.

Why don't you like to cook?

I'm not really sure why I don't enjoy cooking, because I like to eat! Growing up, I enjoyed sewing projects and reading more than experimenting in the kitchen. It's pretty much the same for me today.

Does your cat really take the phone off the hook?

I remember being puzzled as to why the phone was sometimes off the hook in my office. Then one day, I came upon my cat, Mouse (who died several years ago), happily traipsing across the desk and sending the receiver flying. Mystery solved!

Can you come to my school?

Many authors make school visits, but my writing schedule only permits me to make a few visits each year. If you are interested in having an author come to your school, please ask your teacher to contact Antonio Gonzalez at Scholastic Inc. at 212-343-6100.

How can I write to you? Can I get an autographed picture?

I'd be happy to send you a picture. You can write to me at:
Ann Martin
c/o Scholastic Inc.
555 Broadway
New York, NY 10012-3999.

I heard that you love I Love Lucy. What is your favorite episode?

You're right; I'm a huge I Love Lucy fan. My favorite episode is called "The Operetta." Everyone is extremely funny in this episode, but it's actually Ethel who makes me laugh the most.

Who are your favorite authors?

When I was younger, some of my favorite authors were Lewis Carroll, P.L. Travers, Hugh Lofting, Astrid Lindgren, and Roald Dahl. Now I like to read new fiction, non-fiction, and mysteries. (I love to be scared!)