- 2016 Letters
- 09/16
Celebrating 30 Years of the Baby-sitters Club
- 06/16
Celebrating Teachers
- 04/16
Checking in With Ann
- 02/16
The Lisa Libraries
- 2015 Letters
- 12/15
Hobbies and Holidays
- 10/15
The Story of The Baby-sitters Club
- 8/15
Birthday Thoughts
- 6/15
Summer Reading Fun
- 5/15
Kristy’s Great Idea – The Graphic Novel
- 3/15
Home is the Place
- 2014 Letters
- 12/14
My Year in Review
- 10/14
Meeting My Readers
- 08/14
Childhood Summer Fun
- 06/14
Ann M. Martin Library at Smith College
- 04/14
Best Kept Secret
- 02/14
An Interview With My Father, Cartoonist Henry Martin
- 2013 Letters
- 12/13
My Dog, Sadie
- 10/13
The Long Way Home
- 8/13
Meet Simon
- 6/13
Better to Wish — Family Tree, Book 1
- 4/13
Revisiting Main Street in an eBook
- 2/13
#BSCMeeting Twitter Party
- 2012 Letters
- 12/12
There For You Then, There For You Now
- 11/12
A Q & A with David Levithan and Ann M. Martin
- 9/12
“Reading” an Audio Book!
- 7/12
College Days
- 5/12
Back to My Roots
- 3/12
Behind the Scenes: The Making of a Book
- 1/12
Volunteering and Animal Rescue
- 2011 Letters
- 11/11
What You Wish For
- 9/11
Hurricane Irene
- 7/11
Martin Family Reunion
- 5/11
Celebrating Main Street!
- 2/11
Ann's Recommended Reading List
- 2010 Letters
- 12/10
Celebrating Twenty Years of The Lisa Libraries
- 08/10
Introducing Oliver!
- 06/10
BSC Tour: Planes, Trains, and Telephones
- 04/10
The Summer Before
- 02/10
I'm on Facebook!
- 2009 Letters
- 11/09
Let the Holidays Begin
- 09/09
How I Spent My Summer Staycation
- 08/09
Everything for a Dog
- 06/09
My Summer Staycation
- 04/09
Ann's 25 Random Thoughts
- 01/09
Welcome 2009!
- 2008 Letters
- 11/08
A Visit to Emporia, Kansas
- 09/08
Catching Up With Ann
- 06/08
Meet Pippin!
- 05/08
Summer Book Club Fun
- 03/08
An Online Visit to Main Street
- 02/08
Come On In!
- 2007 Letters
- 11/07
Fall in the Country
- 09/07
Ann and Sadie's Big Adventure
- 06/07
On the Road Again
- 05/07
Main Street Comes Alive
- 01/07
Main Street
- 2006 Letters
- 12/06
On Christmas Eve
- 10/06
What I Did on My Summer Vacation
- 07/06
Summer Travels
- 05/06
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
- 03/06
The Re-birth of The Baby-Sitter's Club
- 01/06
Happy 2006!
- 2005 Letters
- 11/05
An Autobiography of a Stray
- 09/05
An Anthology of Friends
- 07/05
Summertime in New York
- 05/05
Bringing Books to Children
- 02/05
Checking In
- 01/05
Here Today
- 2004 Letters
- 10/04
Good-Bye to Summer, Hello to Fall
- 09/04
My Hometime Library
- 05/04
Mother's Day
- 03/04
Hello, 2004
- 02/04
Let's Read!
- 2003 Letters
- 11/03
On the Road Again
- 10/03
Ann's Trip to Toronto
- 09/03
Summer's End
- 07/03
Ann's Mailbag
- 05/03
Meet the Author (Me)
- 03/03
Newbery Honor
- 01/03
Let it Snow!
- 2002 Letters
- 12/02
Book Signings
- 10/02
Happy Halloween
- 09/02
Ann's New Book!
- 08/02
Ann Goes Back to School
- 05/02
Bring on the Sunshine
- 02/02
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
- 01/02
Happy New Year!
- 2001 Letters
- 12/01
It's Holiday Time!
- 10/01
Welcoming the Fall
- 09/01
September 11th Tragedy
- 08/01
The Premier of Belle Teal
- 08/01
Ann's Favorite Hobby
- 06/01
Ups and Downs With Ann!
- 05/01
Writing Tips From Ann
- 03/01
Where Do I Get My Ideas?
- 01/01
Farewell Party for the BSC!
- 2000 Letters
- 12/00
Goodbye BSC!
- 09/00
Back to School
- 08/00
Family Reunion
- 08/00
Getting Together With Old Friends
- 05/00
Happy Father's Day, Dad
- 04/00
An Interview With Ann and Her Friend Paula Danziger!
- 03/00
The Lisa Libraries
- 02/00
The BSC New York City Getaway Sweepstakes
- 02/00
Family/Friend Game Night
- 01/00
Starting A New Bank Account

Ann's 25 Random Thoughts
April 2009
Hi, readers!
If you're familiar with the Internet (and since you're reading this online, you probably are!), a lot of questionnaires, quizzes, and polls may have come your way. I've definitely seen my fair share of these, but nothing had caught my eye until a friend sent me her "25 Random Thoughts." If you haven't heard of it, the idea for this "assignment" is to come up with twenty-five pieces of information about yourself to share with friends and family. You can include anything you'd like, perhaps a little known fact, a personality quirk, an embarrassing moment or simply a funny observation. It just has to be about you. I've gotten a kick out of a few that I've read. For example, I never knew that one of my friends weighed over ten pounds at birth, and that another friend has to know the end of every mystery book before she starts reading it. And I had to laugh when a friend's sister wrote that she keeps all the bills in her wallet in value order, right side up, and facing forward – because I do exactly the same thing! How's that for a personality quirk? I decided that this would be a fun exercise to share with my readers. I hope you enjoy what I came up with! Here goes:
- I Love Lucy is my favorite television show. I've seen every episode dozens of times, and I have the entire series on DVD.
- Since moving to the country, I've had close encounters with coyotes, flying squirrels, raccoons, possums, groundhogs, snakes, moles, mice, turkey, deer and even bears.
- My most irrational fear is that a bat will get into the house. Actually, this isn't really irrational, considering it has already happened twice.
- I can't cook. Truly. If I have people over for dinner, I buy prepared food at the market.
- Nothing in the world could ever convince me to swim in a lake. Or to go camping.
- The worst hair decision I ever made was to cut my hair super short. I'll never do that again!
- I'm passionate about animal rescue. Adelaide, my current foster kitty, is in my lap right now.
- My dog Sadie is politically active! Last fall, she participated in a Dogs Walk for Obama campaign event.
- My father taught me to drive on a Volkswagen stick shift, but after years of driving cars with automatic transmissions, I'm not sure I would be able to drive a stick shift today!
- I've only been skiing once, and it was a disaster. I don't know how I managed to get down the slope, but as soon as I did, I took off my skis and spent the rest of the day reading a book in the lodge.
- I'd have liked school much better if I hadn't had to take gym class.
- Sometimes I dream that I'm back in high school and I have to take all my classes again while at the same time meet my writing deadlines.
- I make up songs to sing to my dog Sadie. Our favorite is entitled "Supper For the Pupper."
- One of my pet peeves is people who don't say "you're welcome" after someone has thanked them.
- I've voted in every election (local, state, and national) since I was 18.
- To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book, and watching the movie always makes me cry.
- I get teased because I don't have an iPod, a BlackBerry, a GPS or Tivo. I don't know how to text from my cell phone, and I bought a flat-screen TV, but I didn't like it, so I re-installed my ancient TV.
- As someone who's always been shy, I'm in awe of people who don't mind being the center of attention.
- I can't resist buying fabrics and art supplies, but I easily resist buying new clothes. As I write this, I'm staring at two big holes in the knees of my jeans.
- Despite the lack of attention to my own wardrobe, I sometimes fantasize about being a costume designer.
- One of my favorite Christmas ornaments is a macaroni chain that my nephew made in preschool. I hang it next to the one I made when I was in preschool.
- I was born during Hurricane Connie in 1955, and went to my first day of kindergarten during Hurricane Donna in 1960.
- After falling off a tree house ladder when I was 11, I had to have my spleen removed. (So did Karen in the Little Sister books.)
- I got my love of children's books from my mother, and my discipline and work ethic from my father.
- If salmon is on the menu, I'm definitely getting it.
If you enjoyed reading this, why not create your own 25 Random Thoughts to share with your friends and family? You never know what you may learn. (And by the way, even though I wasn't a ten-pound baby like my friend, I was the biggest baby in the Princeton Hospital nursery at the time, weighing eight pounds, two ounces!)
Happy reading!