In the summer of 1916, ten year-old Chet Roscow is captivated by the local news: A great white shark has been attacking and killing people up and down the Atlantic coast, not far from Chet's hometown of Springfield, New Jersey.

Then one day, swimming with his friends, Chet sees something in the water…

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Requiem Shark - Carcharhinus Spp.
Did You Know...Fun facts about Sharks
  • Of the more than 350 known shark species, only 4 are particularly prone to attack people: the bull shark (which is considered by many experts to be the most dangerous to humans); the great white; the tiger shark; and the hammerhead.
  • Shark attacks are very rare. In 2008, there were 118 attacks reported world-wide and 4 deaths. Of those attacks, 59 were “unprovoked,” which means that the shark attacked someone who was not doing anything to deliberately attract or touch it. (In contrast, an average of 125,000 people die of snakebites each year.)
  • Some scientists believe that most sharks don’t mean to attack humans, but mistake surfers or swimmers for large sea mammals, like seals. This could explain why most shark attacks on humans are not fatal: a shark takes one bite, realizes its mistake, and swims away.
  • Most shark attacks happen to people swimming alone in the ocean. Experts suggest that the best way to avoid attack is to swim in groups. Other tips: Avoid swimming at night or at dusk; don’t swim with a dog, because the whirling motion of its paws in the water can attract sharks; leave jewelry at home, since bright objects can also attract sharks; and don’t swim in the ocean if you have a bleeding wound.
  • Every year, humans kill nearly 100 million sharks. They do so mainly for their fins, which are a prized ingredient for shark fin soup. In fact, many species are endangered, including the great white.

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