Books About Making Mistakes for Kids

These books will help teach your child how to overcome their own mistakes — and learn from them, too!

Aug 19, 2022



Books About Making Mistakes for Kids

Aug 19, 2022

Slipping up from time to time is normal — everyone makes mistakes! In fact, mistakes are key to cultivating a child's growth mindset and learning important life lessons. 

You can help your child navigate these tough moments with books about making mistakes. Kids' books are an effective way to illustrate complex topics and demonstrate real-life challenges that many children can relate to. An engaging narrative that turns a huge mistake into a success story can demonstrate to kids that slip-ups happen, but what really matters is how we learn and grow from them. 

When kids view their mistakes as valuable learning opportunities, they are encouraged to bounce back and try again. Through trial and error, kids learn to problem-solve on their own, which builds resilience and fosters self-confidence. Plus, in learning to embrace their mistakes, children will feel more courage in exploring different paths and taking on new challenges.

It’s Okay to Make Mistakes is a fun book about life’s happy accidents. From wearing mismatched socks to asking for help and learning something new, kids can turn mistakes into opportunities — and this book teaches great lessons about how they can do so. 

Meanwhile, Fancy Nancy and the Late, Late, LATE Night is a enchanting read about a young girl who stays up late reading a new book. While it seemed like a brilliant idea at first, she wakes up exhausted the next day and can hardly stay awake at school. Through this experience, Fancy Nancy learns from her mistake and realizes the importance of a good night’s sleep.

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Age 10
Age 9
Age 8
Age 7
Age 6
Age 5
Age 4
Age 3