We love picture books, chapter books, and graphic novels. We love board books, interactive books, and big books. We love reading books in all shapes and sizes. If you do, too, use these 10 title to share your love of reading and the joy of books with your kids—and help them develop their own love of books!
Stories About Books and Reading
1. How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Read? by Jane Yolen is a silly look at how we use and don't use books to learn to read. We don't put them on the floor and stomp on them. We do hold them nicely and take care of the pages. Little dinosaur lovers will especially appreciate this book.
2. A title that makes a great baby shower gift is Read to Your Bunny by Rosemary Wells. It's an encouraging lyrical poem that invites us to read to our kids for at least twenty minutes each day. All of those minutes will add up to creating a little reader one day.
3. We Are in a Book by Mo Willems is a silly story about Elephant and Piggie realizing that they are inside a book. It's a pretty cool experience especially when they point out that someone (meaning you, the reader) is reading about them.
4. Go behind the scenes as Pig is creating a book in Do Not Open This Book! by Michaela Muntean. A little reverse psychology is in play because we are told not to open the book. Yet the author really does want us to open the book and read. It's a fun interactive book about making books.
5. We love to keep our favorite books near us. But what happens if you can't find your book? That's just what happens in Maybe a Bear Ate It by Robie Harris. The main character thinks up the most ridiculous scenarios of how this book might have gone missing, from a bear eating it to a shark swallowing it. Finally, the book is found and given a great big hug.
6. The Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen is a celebration of magnificent libraries. No one is sure what to do when a lion comes into the library one day. There are lots of library rules. Can a lion follow them? Well, it turns out that it's a perfect place for the feline. We all can enjoy the many offerings of libraries.
7. Lola Loves Stories by Anna McQuinn is a celebration of books and reading. Lola goes to the library with her dad to get books each week. Then, she spends the rest of the week reading and acting out scenes from the stories.
8. Todd Parr brightly illustrates all the wonderful reasons to read in Reading Makes You Feel Good. You can imagine you are all sorts of creatures. But the best thing about reading is that you can do it anywhere.
Books About Raising Readers
9. To dive in deeper to the power of reading with kids, check out A Family of Readers: The Book Lover's Guide to Children's and Young Adult Literature by Roger Sutton and Martha Parravano. It's filled with tips for reading to and with kids, followed by tips to encourage your children to read on their own.
10. Also, if you want to raise a reader, grab some easy-to-implement strategies from Raising a Rock-Star Reader by Allison McDonald and Amy Mascott. The book is filled with bite-sized nuggets of practical ideas to inspire your kids to read more.
Connect with Jodie at Growing Book by Book.