New Books to Help Navigate Bullying for Teens

Make teen bullying easier to talk about with these relatable titles.

Oct 21, 2022



New Books to Help Navigate Bullying for Teens

Oct 21, 2022

With the rise in societal pressure to fit in, bullying occurs more frequently among young people in middle and high school. No matter what form it takes — whether it’s verbal bullying like spreading rumors, physical intimidation by other students, or kids excluding people — bullying behavior takes a toll on your child’s mental health and self-esteem for everyone involved. 

Fortunately, having regular conversations with your child can help them deal with bullying. Being able to openly speak with you about their experiences will provide them with the proper support they need to speak up when something is not right. 

But sometimes, the topic of teen bullying can be complex, especially if your child is feeling isolated or if they’re not sure how to help. Relatable books are a great way to open a dialogue with your child about bullying. Your child will be able to identify with characters managing similar bullying experiences and learn how to recognize it and seek help.

Reading about how protagonists overcome these obstacles will encourage your child to open up and talk about their emotions and ask for help from the school guidance counselor or other adults when needed. 

In the new book Here the Whole Time by Vitor Martins, readers meet Felipe, who is bullied mercilessly at school over his weight. When he settles home for winter break, he is informed that his lifelong crush — his neighbor, Caio — will be staying with him and his family for a while, and Felipe’s world is turned upside down. In this heartwarming story about first loves — and overcoming low self-esteem and different forms of bullying — readers will relate to Felipe’s journey to find his own strength and happiness. 

For a different perspective, Restart is the story about a teen named Chase who wakes up in the hospital after falling off a roof, not remembering anything from his past life — including the fact that he was a bully. When he finally returns to school, his classmates have strong reactions to seeing him again. Now, it’s up to Chase to figure out who he is, who he was, and who he wants to be. 

Meanwhile, in the fast-paced Friend Me, Roisin, a transplant from Ireland, is having trouble making friends at her new school in Massachusetts. As if that weren’t enough, she’s also dealing with relentless bullying from her classmate, Zara, who teases her in person and on social media. Roisin doesn’t know what to do until she meets and becomes close friends with a girl named Haley online, where they bond over imagining a world without their bully. But when Zara has an accident, police begin investigating, and Roisin and Haley’s conversations seem incriminating. To make the situation worse, Haley is nowhere to be found when Roisin tries to meet her face-to-face. 

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