Upper elementary readers who aren't quite ready for traditional novels will be motivated to read this eclectic collection of captivating graphic novels. By adding these titles to your child’s bookshelf, you’ll help them develop important reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Packed with humor, adventure, and drama, graphic novels, such as Four Eyes, Captain America: The Ghost Army, and Miles Morales #2: Stranger Tides, share one significant feature: compelling visuals that draw reluctant readers into the stories, while helping them accelerate their reading development and build vocabulary.
Meanwhile, Parachute Kids shares the story of three siblings living on their own as immigrants from Taiwan. Brimming with heart and humor, this graphic novel will foster empathy and compassion in readers. And, in the action-packed I Survived #7: I Survived Great Chicago Fire, 1871 (Graphix), readers follow the journey of a young boy and his friends as they fight to survive one of the most devastating fires in history.
Shop the best graphic novels for upper elementary kids below now! Plus, browse all comic books and graphic novels, and explore more books and activities at The Scholastic Store.