3 Ways Teachers Inspire Kids to Become Readers

Discover all the ways teachers build lifelong readers and make a difference in the classroom and beyond.

May 06, 2024



3 Ways Teachers Inspire Kids to Become Readers

May 06, 2024

From planting seeds of knowledge to being a support system for a classroom full of students, educators are everyday heroes making a lasting impact on children’s lives. 

Teachers play an important role in fostering a love of reading and setting kids up for success both inside and outside the classroom setting. In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week and beyond, here are three impactful ways teachers inspire kids to become lifelong readers. 

1. Acting as Reading Role Models for Kids

Raising confident readers and lifelong bookworms is no easy feat — and thanks to teachers everywhere, you don’t have to do it alone. 

According to the Scholastic Kids & Family Reading Report, 70 percent of children list their teacher or school librarian as someone who encourages them to read for fun. In supporting kids on their reading journey, teaching them how to read is only half the battle — motivating kids to pick up a book for fun is an entirely different challenge. 

Cultivating a love of reading requires educators to employ creative strategies to engage students in the reading experience. Whether it's through read-alouds or classroom storytime, teachers model excitement and joy for reading and establish a sense of community and shared interest around books. 

2. Updating Classroom Libraries With High-Interest Books

Classroom libraries are integral to children’s success and reading achievement. After all, having books front and center places reading at the very forefront of kids’ learning environment. Additionally, results from the Scholastic Kids & Family Reading Report revealed that 41 percent of children get most of their books from school. 

While home libraries are equally as important, teachers also recognize the benefit of having immediate access to books in the classroom. Providing kids with books across a wide range of topics, a variety of genres, and diverse stories is key to giving students ownership of their reading choices — and allows teachers to grow successful, independent readers. 

However, prioritizing a high-quality library with updated, diverse titles requires resources that aren’t always readily available to teachers. Often times, teachers refresh their bookshelves with funds that come out of their own pockets. If you’re looking for ways to give back, you can help build classroom libraries by contributing to a ClassroomsCount™ campaign

3. Helping Students Find the Right Book

Letting kids pick their reads is important for testing out what genres and topics they enjoy. According to the Scholastic Kids & Family Reading Report, 93 percent of kids say their favorite books are the ones they picked out themselves. Nonetheless, navigating the wide world of books on their own can be challenging and overwhelming. 

Luckily, educators are pros at supporting kids in finding just-right books, while still giving them a voice in their reading choices. As teachers build relationships with students throughout the year and learn about the growing interests of each child, they can provide guidance in helping children explore their reading tastes. 

Teachers are also incredible resources in helping families select titles for their kids. In fact, the report found that 42 percent of parents of school-age children turn to teachers/school librarians for help in choosing books for their child. Checking in with your child’s teachers can help steer you toward books your child may enjoy — and prompt richer conversations about books at home.

Say thank you to a teacher who’s made a difference to you with a Scholastic eGift Card (order for instant delivery or schedule for later!) to show your gratitude and appreciation. You can send multiple eGift Cards at once and choose from a variety of favorite characters, from Clifford to Dog Man. 

Check out some of our favorite books with memorable teacher characters below! Plus, keep scrolling to take a look at expert-approved books to keep young readers turning pages all summer long.

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Books With Memorable Teacher Characters

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