The Best Books About Physical Differences for Kids

These helpful titles explain various physical differences in ways your child can understand.

Apr 01, 2022



The Best Books About Physical Differences for Kids

Apr 01, 2022

Each person’s uniqueness helps make our society whole and wonderful, and that includes our physical differences. Whether your child is learning about others’ differences or loving their own, fully understanding what makes everyone unique opens the door to practicing empathy, sharing kindness, and enjoying a sense of belonging. 

Sometimes, physical differences can be tougher to understand for children. Through the use of storytelling, these books are a great way to introduce or further explain physical differences to kids, and how it takes all kinds of people to make the world a better place. 

Featuring favorites, like Her Own Two Feet (about a girl born with curled and twisted feet) and You Are Enough (an inclusive and empowering picture book from Sofia Sanchez), this book list allows your child to put themselves in others’ shoes and understand what it’s like to live with a physical difference — or to see themselves in relatable characters.

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