From Road Trip to Reading Trip in 5 Easy Steps

Follow these 5 steps to make on-the-go reading easy and fun for everyone, including the adult in the driver&s seat!

By Allison McDonald
Nov 07, 2016



From Road Trip to Reading Trip in 5 Easy Steps

Nov 07, 2016

Editor's note: This post was originally published on November 5, 2015.

Road trips are just not my thing. I would fly to the next town over if I could — even if that meant waiting in a security line and having to wait at a gate. The only thing worse than a road trip is a road trip where it’s just me and the kids. But whether I like it or not, sometimes my family has to embark on long car rides.

With the holidays approaching, there's one thing that can make road trips much easier, and more fun for your whole family: books. Here's five tips how:

1. Grab some wordless picture books for your nonreaders. Books like In the Town All Year Round offers hours of fun without you having to read.

2. Audiobooks! Your local library has a bunch of these books and this is a great way to re-read old favorites like Harry Potter. (Here's where to find free audiobooks to download before your trip.)

3. Turn rest stops into reading stops. Stretch, use the bathroom, and read a chapter or two before getting back on the highway.

4. Choose books that your child can read to you while driving. This can be a big confidence booster for your new reader too.

5. Tell stories. This isn’t really reading but storytelling is an important literacy skill. Taking the time to listen to your children’s stories will bring you closer together while building their literacy skills. And they'll enjoy having you share some with them too.

Let us know if you'd prefer flying over driving (like me!) and share your very best strategies to make road trips way more fun on Scholastic Parents Facebook Page.

Featured Photo Credit: © YaoRusheng/Dreamstime


Check out bloggers Amy Mascott and Allie McDonald's book, Raising a Rock-Star Reader: 75 Quick Tips for Helping Your Child Develop a Lifelong Love for Reading. Get expert advice and learn new strategies for your young readers.




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