Why Your Child Will Love 'Twins' — a Graphic Novel by Varian Johnson

Your tween will love following along as twins Maureen and Francine compete in everything!

Nov 29, 2021



Why Your Child Will Love 'Twins' — a Graphic Novel by Varian Johnson

Nov 29, 2021

Being a twin definitely sounds awesome: You’ve got a sibling and a best friend for life, wherever you go! They're someone to play with, share secrets with, and have fun with. Sometimes, however, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be — especially when you’re about to conquer middle school together.

In Varian Johnson’s graphic novel, Twins, Maureen and Francine Carter are identical twins and best friends. They do everything together — they’re members of the same school clubs, like the same food, and partner up on team projects together. But right before they enter 6th grade, Francine calls herself Fran and begins to separate and differentiate herself from her sister Maureen. She chooses to wear fashionable clothes, join the chorus, and is perfectly happy to have different class schedules. She’s also running against her sister for class president. 

As the twins begin to take their own unique roads, Maureen experiences feelings of frustration, loneliness, and the discomfort of finding herself as an individual. Shedding light on sibling dynamics, Twins explores relatable themes like rivalry, friendship, and everything in between as the Carter twins navigate a shared challenge: middle school.

Part of Scholastic’s line of graphic novels, Graphix, Twins is a coming-of-age story that helps readers navigate the often uncomfortable and scary experience of leveling up at school, all while dealing with the subsequent changes in their relationships, whether with friends or siblings. Plus, because graphic novels have added benefits like broadening vocabulary and improving reading comprehension, parents love adding Twins to their home library.

Reluctant and voracious readers alike will find themselves unable to put this book down until the last page.

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