Writing Limericks: Super-Silly Poems for Super-Silly Kids

Teach your child that anyone can write a limerick with this fun template!

By Amy Mascott



Writing Limericks: Super-Silly Poems for Super-Silly Kids

My kids are at the ages when everything and anything that is on the "edge" of what is appropriate makes them crack up into a million pieces.

I know they can't be the only ones. We've written before here on the Raise a Reader blog about books that include potty talk. Why? Because kids love them.

And though it is our job as parents to do what we can to squelch inappropriate behavior and language from our kids, I also believe that sometimes, it's okay to go with it.

So, since today is St. Patrick's Day, you better believe I'm going to play on my kids' love of all things inappropriate and use it to my advantage, getting them thinking, rhyming, laughing, and playing with words as we play with limericks — limerick reading and limerick writing.  

What are limericks? Limericks are 5-line poems with a specific rhyme pattern: AABBA, with each line having a specific number of syllables: 8 – 8 – 5 – 5 – 8.

In order to become good at writing limericks, kids need to hear a bunch of examples so that they can get used to the style and rhythm. The cool thing? Limericks are often funny and are always guaranteed to make you smile, so kids usually really go for them.

Limericks, by nature, are on the edge. They play with words and meanings and very often leave readers or listeners shaking their heads or blushing. We definitely don't go that far with our limerick writing, but I'll let them push the cards a bit in the name of creative writing and clever thinking.

Want to get your kids started with limerick writing? Use our free Limerick Fill-In Sheet. This sheet explains a bit about limericks, and includes spaces for you and your kids to write ideas and a draft of a limerick — with room for drawings or designs, as well.

Have fun and do share your favorite kid-friendly limericks with us—we'd love to hear them!

Share your thoughts on the Scholastic Parents Facebook page or find Amy on Twitter @teachmama, and let's continue the conversation!

Read all posts by Amy Mascott.

Raise a Reader Blog
Age 13
Age 12
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Age 8
Age 7
Poetry Writing
Creative Writing
St. Patrick's Day