Make Your Own I Spy

Make a picture or write a riddle online!




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What to do:

  1. Log on to I Spy, in the Kids Fun Online area of
  2. To make your own I Spy picture, choose a background. Next, pick a riddle, and then drag objects from the bin to complete the picture. When you're done, print your picture or send it to a friend.
  3. For another challenge, try writing your own I Spy riddle, based on the picture provided. For inspiration, check out riddles already submitted by other kids. Once you're finished, send in your riddle and check back later to see if it's published online.
  4. As an extension of these activities, or as a warm-up, play I Spy ("I Spy, with my little eye, something that starts with 'C'") — in your home, your neighborhood, or while driving in the car.
Reading Activities
Attention and Focus
Age 7
Age 6
Codes, Messages, Signs
Early Writing
Early Reading