You-nique Yogurt Treats

Have-it-your-way yogurt snacks.



You-nique Yogurt Treats

What you need:

  • Containers of your favorite flavors of yogurt
  • Variety of toppings, such as chopped nuts, raisins, maple syrup, granola, and sliced fruit
  • Bowls
  • Spoons

What to do:

  1. Peel and slice your favorite fruits. Then place all the ingredients on the table and ask your child to think about which yogurt flavor and toppings she would like to use to make a yogurt sundae. Let her taste toppings individually.
  2. Talk about what a sundae is and how to make one. Ask your child to fill a bowl with yogurt, then spoon fruit slices, nuts, and other toppings onto it. Encourage her to taste her snack after she adds each topping.
  3. Make your own sundae, perhaps using different ingredients so that you can compare tastes later.
  4. As you enjoy your snack, talk about how these sundaes are different from ice cream sundaes. Brainstorm other kinds of sundaes you could make at another time.
Books | Individual Titles | Paperback Book
I'll Wait, Mr. Panda / Yo voy a esperar, Sr. Panda
Mr. Panda from Steve Antony's bestselling, funny manners book Please, Mr. Panda is back!

This time, Mr. Panda's black-and-white animal friends are curious what he's making, but only one has the patience to stick around. An alpaca, an aardvark, rabbits, and a bird all wind up missing out. It's the penguin who declares, "I'll wait, Mr. Panda." The penguin is rewarded with a big SURPRISE: a giant doughnut!

De Steve Anthony, el autor de Please, Mr. Panda Por favor, Sr. Panda, nos llega I'll Wait, Mr. Panda Yo voy a esperar, Sr. Panda.

En esta ocasión, los amigos del Sr. Panda quieren saber qué cocina el Sr. Panda. Pero solo uno está dispuesto a esperar la respuesta, el pingüino, ¡quien recibirá una gran SORPRESA!
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Pre-K - K
Fine Motor Skills
Age 7
Age 6
Hobbies, Play, Recreation